This story is from October 17, 2023

Massive underwater water reservoir discovered by researchers

Researchers have discovered a large reservoir of water trapped in the sediment and rock of an ancient volcanic plateau off the coast of New Zealand. The water is located about two miles below the ocean floor in the Hikurangi Subduction Zone. This discovery is significant because underground water pressure could play a crucial role in releasing tectonic stress and causing slow slip earthquakes. The findings suggest that similar situations could be present in earthquake faults globally.
Massive underwater water reservoir discovered by researchers
Representative Image
Researchers have made an exciting discovery deep within the Earth's crust, off the coast of New Zealand.
Using advanced 3D seismic imaging, they found a significant amount of water trapped in the sediment and rock of an ancient volcanic plateau, about two miles below the ocean floor.
The location of this discovery is the Hikurangi Subduction Zone, where the Pacific tectonic plate is forced under the Australian plate.
This area often experiences ‘slow-slip’ earthquakes, especially near Gisborne, providing valuable opportunities for earthquake research.
The team was investigating why some faults experience slip events more frequently than others. Through their seismic imaging, they identified a massive reservoir of water trapped within the rocks. The site is part of a huge volcanic area that formed over 125 million years ago from a colossal volcanic eruption in the Pacific Ocean.
Seismic imaging instrument surveyed the subduction zone (Credit: University of Texas Institute for Geophysics/Adrien Arnulf)
Seismic imaging instrument surveyed the subduction zone (Credit: University of Texas Institute for Geophysics/Adrien Arnulf)

They speculate that the volcanic material eroded into porous rocks during ancient underwater eruptions, acting like a water reservoir. Over time, this transformed into clay, sealing in even more water.
Andrew Gase, the lead author of the study mentioned in the Institute of Geophysics website, “We can’t yet see deep enough to know exactly the effect on the fault, but we can see that the amount of water that’s going down here is actually much higher than normal. Normal ocean crust, once it gets to be about 7 or 10 million years old, should contain much less water.”

This discovery is significant because scientists believe that underground water pressure could play a crucial role in releasing tectonic stress, leading to slow slip earthquakes. Normally, this occurs when water-rich sediments get buried with a fault, trapping the water. However, the New Zealand fault doesn't have the typical ocean sediment. Instead, they think that ancient volcanoes and transformed rocks, now clay, are carrying substantial amounts of water down as they get engulfed by the fault.
A seismic image of the Hikurangi plateau reveals details about the Earth’s interior and what it’s made of. Credit: Andrew Gase
A seismic image of the Hikurangi plateau reveals details about the Earth’s interior and what it’s made of. (Credit: Andrew Gase)

UTIG Director Demian Saffer, a study co-author and co-chief scientist on the scientific drilling mission mentioned on the same website, “It’s a really clear illustration of the correlation between fluids and the style of tectonic fault movement — including earthquake behavior. This is something that we’ve hypothesized from lab experiments, and is predicted by some computer simulations, but there are very few clear field experiments to test this at the scale of a tectonic plate.”
The research was published in the journal Science Advances, titled ‘Subducting volcaniclastic-rich upper crust supplies fluids for shallow megathrust and slow slip’ and suggests that similar situations could be present in earthquake faults globally, highlighting the importance of this finding for earthquake understanding and prediction.

Why do slow earthquakes usually occur?

Slow earthquakes or slow slip events, stem from the gradual movement of massive tectonic plates beneath the Earth's surface. When parts of Earth's crust meet, stress builds up, but instead of a sudden jolt, it's a gradual, controlled release. Friction between rocks and flexible materials play roles in this gradual shift. Slow earthquakes help decode the Earth's patterns, aiding in readiness and minimizing potential destruction when the ground stirs because of a stronger jolt or more intense earthquake.

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