Oct 9, 2024

9 lessons to learn from Paulo Coelho's bestseller 'The Alchemist'

Aakanksha Sharma

Lessons from 'The Alchemist'

‘The Alchemist’, Paulo Coelho’s bestselling novel was and is loved and appreciated by people all over the world. Through Santiago’s story and struggle, we learn many lessons from the book and here we share 9 of them.


Your dreams are yours to chase

Santiago’s life teaches us that we need to pursue our dreams and do it to the best of our abilities. At times people might not understand our dream, or support us through the journey, but it is important to go on for yourself.


Don’t give up

Santiago’s journey towards the ‘treasure’ was filled with challenges, but he didn't budge down and in the end, got what he dreamed and worked for. So, make sure to not quit and give up.


Face your fears, pull them down

Fear is a very strong emotion and can distract and scare the toughest people in their life. But, if you face them, fight against them, and pull them down, nothing will ever be able to stop you.


Listen to your heart

The heart plays an important role in the book as Santiago learns that while his heart can be confusing or even fearful, it also knows what truly makes him happy. So, listen to your heart, add a little reason to it, and apply it to life.


Love the journey and the destination

During Santiago’s hunt for treasure, the journey was as important as the final reward. So, enjoy the process, learn through the experiences, and take lessons throughout.


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There is power in faith

Faith is very important in our life’s journey. You need to believe that there is an energy above you that guides you in the right direction at the right times.


Set aside your comfort zone

Throughout his life, Santiago could have lived a ‘Shepherd’ life like others around him and stayed in comfort. But, it was his first step outside the shepherd's life that earned him the treasure he seeked.


Love matters

Be it Santiago’s love for his sheep, or for Fatima, it all mattered in the end. Love, no matter in which form, helps us in pursuing our dreams, supports us, and motivates us to be better.


Live in the present

Throughout the book, Santiago learns to live in the moment. Instead of worrying about what he has left behind, or about what he might or might not achieve, he appreciates the things he has in the moment.


Thanks For Reading!

Next: 10 lines from Shakespeare’s sonnets that are profoundly deep and moving