After Leonid Yarosh had achieved the impossible in 1983, with two very different direct-mate Babson Tasks, it turned out to be not so impossible after all.
    This is a collection of all the direct-mate Babson Tasks published. I have not included a few that were correct, but had promoted pieces in the initial position. I only give the main, thematic lines.

1. L. Yarosh, Shakhmaty v SSSR, March 1983

Mate in 4

1.Rxh4 cxb1Q 2.axb8Q Qxb2 3.Qb3 Qc3 4.Qxc3#
                     Qe4 3.Qxf4 Qxf4 4.Rxf4#
       cxb1R 2.axb8Q? Rxb2 3.Qb3 stalemate
             2.axb8R! Rxb2 3.Rb3 Kxc4 4.Rxf4#
       cxb1B 2.axb8Q? Be4 3.Qxf4 stalemate
             2.axb8B! Be4 3.Bxf4 Bxh1 4.Be3#
       cxb1N 2.axb8Q? Nxd2 and no mate
             2.axb8N! Nxd2 3.Nc6+ Kc3 4.Rc1#

14 + 8 = 22 pieces
key: takes Knight, creates pin, provides for checks
flight squares before/after key: 0/0
Black, White moves/captures to promote: capture - capture

Underpromotion motivations: Black White Rook flight creating selfpin unguarding flight square Bishop anticipatory selfpin pin avoidance Knight flight creating capture takes flights The first direct-mate Babson Task.

2. L. Yarosh, Shakhmaty v SSSR, August 1983

Mate in 4

1.a7 axb1Q 2.axb8Q Qxb2 3.Qxb3 Qc3 4.Qbxc3#
                   Qe4 3.Qxf4 Qxf4 4.Rxf4#
     axb1R 2.axb8Q? Rxb2 3.Qxb3 stalemate
           2.axb8R! Rxb2 3.Rxb3 Kxc4 4.Qa4#
     axb1B 2.axb8Q? Be4 3.Qf4 stalemate
           2.axb8B! Be4 3.Bxf4 Bxa8 4.Be3#
     axb1N 2.axb8Q? Nxd2 and no mate
           2.axb8N! Nxd2 3.Qc1 Ne4 4.Nc6#

Notes: 16 + 8 = 24 pieces key: excellent, thematic key flight squares before/after key: 0/0 Black, White moves/captures to promote: capture - capture

Underpromotion motivations: Black White Rook flight creating selfpin unguarding flight square Bishop anticipatory selfpin pin avoidance Knight flight creating capture enables check(mate) Version of #1.

3. L. Yarosh, Thèmes-64, 1983 (dedicated to Pierre Drumare)

Mate in 4

1.Nxc3 c1Q 2.exd8Q Qxc3 3.Nxf6 Qd4 4.Bxd4#
                   Qxe3 3.Rc4 Qe4 4.Qc7#
       c1R 2.exd8Q? Rxc3 3.Nxf6 stalemate
           2.exd8R! Rxc3 3.Nxf6 Kxf6 4.Bxc3#
       c1B 2.exd8Q? Bxe3 3.Rc4 stalemate
           2.exd8B! Bxe3 3.Rc4 Kd6 4.Ne4#
       c1N 2.exd8Q? Nb3+ and no mate
           2.exd8N! Nb3+ 3.Kb6 Kd6 4.Nf7#

Notes: 14 + 7 = 21 pieces key: provides for check, takes flight flight squares before/after key: 2/1 Black, White moves/captures to promote: move - capture

Underpromotion motivations: Black White Rook flight creating selfpin unguarding flight square Bishop flight creating selfpin unguarding flight square Knight enables check enables check(mate) The first Babson Task in which one side moves to promote.

4. G. Sacharov, "64", 1984

Mate in 4

1.fxg6 c1Q 2.d8Q Qxc3 3.Qb7 Qd4+ 4.Qe4#
                 Qxe3 3.Qxa7 Qe4+ 4.Rxe4#
       c1R 2.d8Q? Rxc3 3.Nf4 stalemate
           2.d8R! Rxc3 3.Nf4 Kxf6 4.Qh8#
       c1B 2.d8Q? Bcxe3 3.Qxa7 stalemate
           2.d8B! Bcxe3 3.Qxa7 Kxd6 4.Qc7#
       c1N 2.d8Q? Nd3 and no mate
           2.d8N! Nd3 3.Nf7+ Kxf6 4.Nd5#

Notes: 15 + 8 = 23 pieces key: provides for check, creates pin flight squares before/after key: 2/2 Black, White moves/captures to promote: move - move

Underpromotion motivations: Black White Rook flight creating selfpin unguarding flight square Bishop flight creating selfpin unguarding flight square Knight threatens check enables check The first Babson Task in which both sides move to promote.

5. P. Drumare, Thèmes-64, 1985 (dedicated to J. Bertin and G. Fuchs)

Mate in 5

1.fxg8Q dxe2+, and now:
2.Nxe3 e1Q 3.gxf8Q Qxe3+ 4.Rd3 Qxc1 5.Ne6#
                   Qxg3 4.Qaxb4 Qg4 5.Qxg4#
       e1R 3.gxf8Q? Rxe3+ 4.Rd3 stalemate
           3.gxf8R! Rxe3+ 4.Rd3 Kxh6 5.Bxe3#
       e1B 3.gxf8Q? Bxg3 4.Qxb4 stalemate
           3.gxf8B! Bxg3 4.Qxb4 Kf6 5.Qe7#
       e1N 3.gxf8Q? Nxf3 and no mate
           3.gxf8N! Nxf3 4.Nxh7+ Kh5 5.Qxg6#

Notes: 14 + 9 = 23 pieces key: takes Queen, promotes to Queen, provides for check flight squares before/after key: 2/2 Black, White moves/captures to promote: move - capture

Underpromotion motivations: Black White Rook check with anticipatory selfpin unguarding flight square Bishop flight creating selfpin unguarding flight square Knight flight creating capture enables check
This is a mate in 5, instead of 4. It is a version of an earlier (The Soviet Tatar, 1984) Babson Task by Drumare, which was in 4 moves, but where White was in check in the initial position, and had 2 Queens.

6. P. Hoffmann, Deutsche Schachblätter, 1985 (dedicated to Pierre Drumare)

Mate in 4

1.Re3 f1Q 2.bxc8Q Qf7 3.e7 Qxg8 4.hxg8Q#
      f1R 2.bxc8Q? Rf7 3.e7 stalemate
                       3.exf7 stalemate
          2.bxc8R! Rf7 3.exf7 Ke6 4.f8Q#
      f1B 2.bxc8Q? stalemate
          2.bxc8B! Kxc6 3.Rb3 Kd5 4.Bb7#
      f1N 2.bxc8Q? Nxe3 and no mate
          2.bxc8N! Nxe3 3.e7+ Kxc6 4.e8Q#
                              Ke4 4.Nd6#

Notes: 14 + 7 = 21 pieces key: takes flight square flight squares before/after key: 2/1 Black, White moves/captures to promote: move - capture

Underpromotion motivations: Black White Rook anticipatory selfpin unguarding flight square Bishop self-paralysis unguarding flight square Knight flight creating capture enables mate

7. P. Hoffmann, Thèmes-64, 1985

Mate in 4

1.dxc7 f1Q 2.c8Q Qf8+ 3.Qxf8 Kxc6 4.Qc5#
                 Qf7 3.e7 Qxg8 4.hxg8Q#
       f1R 2.c8Q? Rf7 3.e7 stalemate
           2.c8R! Rf7 3.exf7 Ke6 4.f8Q#
       f1B 2.c8Q? stalemate
           2.c8B! Kxc6 3.Qxe5 Kb6 4.Qc5#
       f1N 2.c8Q? Nxe3 3.Qxe3 stalemate
           2.c8N! Nxg3 3.Ne7#
                  Nxe3 3.Qxe3 Kxc6 4.Qc5#
                  Kxc6 3.Qxe5 Nxe3 4.Qc5#                         

Notes: 14 + 9 = 23 pieces key: takes Bishop flight squares before/after key: 1/1 Black, White moves/captures to promote: move - move

Underpromotion motivations: Black White Rook anticipatory selfpin unguarding flight square Bishop self-paralysis unguarding flight square Knight threatens check enables mate flight creating capture unguarding flight square There is a little blemish in the Knight variation - it is really one move too short. 1...f1N is a double threat of which one, Nxe3, is also parried by 2.c8B.

8. P. Hoffmann, Deutsche Schachblätter, 1985

Mate in 4

1.Rxb7 d1Q 2.e8Q Qxd3 3.Ng6 Qe4 4.Bxe4#
                 Qxf3 3.Rxb4 Qf4 4.Rfxf4#
       d1R 2.e8Q? Rxd3 3.Ng6 stalemate
           2.e8R! Rxd3 3.Ng6 Kxg6 4.Bxd3#
       d1B 2.e8Q? Bxf3 3.Rxb4 stalemate
           2.e8B! Bxf3 3.Rxb4 Kxe6 4.Nf4#
       d1N 2.e8Q? Nb2+ 3.Qxb2 cxb2 and no mate
           2.e8N! Nb2+ 3.Qxb2 Kxe6 4.Nf4#
                              cxb2 4.Ng7#

Notes: 16 + 7 = 23 pieces key: takes Knight, provides for check flight squares before/after key: 1/1 Black, White moves/captures to promote: move - move

Underpromotion motivations: Black White Rook flight giving selfpin unguarding flight square Bishop flight giving selfpin unguarding flight square Knight checking threat checks Hoffmann: "Inspired by Yarosh no. 3"

9. P. Hoffmann, Die Schwalbe, 1986

Mate in 4

1.dxe7 e1Q 2.exf8Q Qxe4+ 3.d4 Qxc2 4.Rf7#
       e1R 2.exf8Q? Rxe4+ 3.d4 stalemate
           2.exf8R! Rxe4+ 3.d4 Kg7 4.R4f7#
       e1B 2.exf8Q? stalemate
           2.exf8B! Kg8 3.Qa6 Kh7 4.Qg6#
       e1N 2.exf8Q? Nxd3+ 3.Ka5 Ne5 and no mate
           2.exf8N+! Kg8 3.Ka5 Nxc2 4.Qc4#

Notes: 15 + 8 = 23 pieces key: takes Bishop, provides for check flight squares before/after key: 1/1 Black, White moves/captures to promote: move - capture

Underpromotion motivations: Black White Rook check with anticipatory selfpin unguarding flight square Bishop self-paralysis unguarding flight square Knight checking threat checks

10. P. Hoffmann, Die Schwalbe 1986

Mate in 4

1.Bxh8 g1Q 2.cxd8Q Qxe3+ 3.Qb6 Qe4 4.Qc5#
                   Qg7+ 3.f7 Qf6 4.Bxf6#
       g1R 2.cxd8Q? Rg7+ 3.f7 stalemate
           2.cxd8R! Rg7+ 3.fxg7 Kf6 4.g8Q#
       g1B 2.cxd8Q? Bxe3+ 3.Qb6 stalemate
           2.cxd8B! Bxe3+ 3.Bb6 Kxd6 4.Qc7#
       g1N 2.cxd8Q? Nxf3 3.Qhe7+ Kxf5 and no mate
                         3.Qde7+ Kd5 and no mate
           2.cxd8N! Nxf3 3.Qe7+ Kxf5 4.Qe6#
                                Kd5 4.Qe6#

Notes: 15 + 7 = 22 pieces key: takes Rook, provides for checks flight squares before/after key: 1/1 Black, White moves/captures to promote: move - capture

Underpromotion motivations: Black White Rook check with anticipatory selfpin unguarding flight square Bishop flight creating selfpin unguarding flight square Knight flight creating capture takes flights

11. L. Yarosh, Vecherny Leningrad, 1986

Mate in 4

1.g7 e1Q 2.gxf8Q Qxe5 3.f5 Qd6+ 4.Bxd6#
     e1R 2.gxf8Q? Rxe5 3.f5 stalemate
         2.gxf8R! Rxe5 3.f5 Kd6 4.Bxe5#
     e1B 2.gxf8Q? stalemate
         2.gxf8B! Kd8 3.Be7+ Ke8 4.Qh5#
     e1N 2.gxf8Q? Nxd3 and no mate
         2.gxf8N! Nxd3 3.Ne6+ Kc8 4.Bb7#
                  Kd8 3.Ne6+ Ke8 4.Qh5#

Notes: 16 + 8 = 24 pieces key: good and thematic flight squares before/after key: 2/2 Black, White moves/captures to promote: move - capture

Underpromotion motivations: Black White Rook anticipatory selfpin unguarding flight square Bishop self-paralysis unguarding flight square Knight threatens checks takes flights

12. K. Bachmann, Die Schwalbe, 1987

Mate in 4

1.exf7 d1Q 2.fxg8Q Qxd4+ 3.c4 Qxb2 4.Qg6#
       d1R 2.fxg8Q? Rxd4+ 3.c4 stalemate
           2.fxg8R! Rxd4+ 3.c4 Ke6 4.Rg6#
       d1B 2.fxg8Q? stalemate
           2.fxg8B! Kg7 3.Rf5 Kh6 4.Bf8#
                              Kxh8 4.Be5#
       d1N 2.fxg8Q? Nxb2+ 3.Ka3 Nc4+ and no mate
           2.fxg8N+! Kg7 3.Be5+ Kh7 4.Qxc2#
                                Kf8 4.Rb8#

Notes: 12 + 8 = 20 pieces key: thematic flight squares before/after key: 1/1 Black, White moves/captures to promote: move - capture

Underpromotion motivations: Black White Rook anticipatory selfpin unguarding flight square Bishop self-paralysis unguarding flight square Knight threatens checks gives check

13. M. Hoffmann, Die Schwalbe 1987

Mate in 4

1.gxf7 d1Q 2.fxg8Q Qxd4+ 3.c4 Qxb2 4.Qf7#
       d1R 2.fxg8Q? Rxd4+ 3.c4 stalemate
           2.fxg8R! Rxd4+ 3.c4 Kxe6 4.Rg6#
       d1B 2.fxg8Q? stalemate
           2.fxg8B! Kg6 3.g4 Kf6 4.R5xh6#
       d1N 2.fxg8Q? Nxb2+ 3.Ka3 Nc4+ and no mate
           2.fxg8N+! Kg6 3.Qxc2+ Kxh5 4.Qf5#

Notes: 14 + 10 = 24 pieces key: takes Bishop flight squares before/after key: 1/1 Black, White moves/captures to promote: move - capture

Underpromotion motivations: Black White Rook check with anticipatory selfpin unguarding flight square Bishop self-paralysis unguarding flight square Knight threatens checks gives check

14. K. Bachmann, P. Hoffmann and M. Hoffmann, Die Schwalbe 1987

Mate in 4

1.hxg7 d1Q 2.g8Q Qxd4+ 3.c4 Qxb2 4.Qg6#
       d1R 2.g8Q? Rxd4+ 3.c4 stalemate
           2.g8R! Rxd4+ 3.c4 Kxf7 4.Rdf8#
       d1B 2.g8Q? stalemate
           2.g8B! Kg7 3.c4 Kf6 4.d5#
       d1N 2.g8Q? Nxb2+ 3.Ka3 Nc4+ and no mate
           2.g8N+! Kg7 3.f6+ Kg6 4.Qxc2#

Notes: 14 + 6 = 20 pieces key: takes Knight - but gives a flight square flight squares before/after key: 0/1 Black, White moves/captures to promote: move - move

Underpromotion motivations: Black White Rook check with anticipatory selfpin unguarding flight square Bishop self-paralysis unguarding flight square Knight threatens checks gives check With 20 pieces, this is not only (together with #12, of which it is a version) the lightest Babson of them all, it is also the only one with a flight-giving key, and one of the few where both sides move to promote.

15. K. Bachmann, Schach Echo 1990

Mate in 4

1.Nfxd1+ exd1Q 2.dxe8Q Qxc2 3.Qa4 Qxc1 4.Qxe5#
                       Qd4 3.Qexe5 Qxe5 4.Qxe5#
         exd1R 2.dxe8Q? Rd4 3.Qexe5 stalemate
               2.dxe8R! Rd4 3.Rxe5 Rd3 4.Re3#
         exd1B 2.dxe8Q? Bxc2 3.Qa4 stalemate
               2.dxe8B! Bxc2 3.Ba4 Kd4 4.Qxe5#
         exd1N 2.dxe8Q? Nxb2 and no mate
               2.dxe8N! Nxb2 3.Qxe5+ Kc4 4.Nd6#

Notes: 15 + 8 = 23 pieces key: takes rook with check flight squares before/after key: 2/2 Black, White moves/captures to promote: capture - capture

Underpromotion motivations: Black White Rook anticipatory pin anticipatory unpin Bishop selfpin unguarding flight square Knight flight creating capture enables mate The first (and only) Babson Task with the black king on the third rank. Based on a 3/4 Babson Task by Pierre Drumare, Th�mes-64, 1966.

16. M. Tribowksi, Die Schwalbe 2000

Mate in 4

1.Rd1 e1Q 2.exf8Q Qxe4+ 3.d4 Qxb1 4.Rf7#
      e1R 2.exf8Q? Rxe4+ 3.d4 stalemate
          2.exf8R! Rxe4+ 3.d4 Kg7 4.R4f7#
      e1B 2.exf8Q? stalemate
          2.exf8B! Kg8 3.Qxc6 Kh7 4.Qg6#
      e1N 2.exf8Q? Nxd3+ 3.Ka5 Ne5 and no mate
          2.exf8N+! Kg8 3.Ka5 Nxd3 4.Qc4#

Notes: 15 + 8 = 23 pieces key: provides for check - still, a nice key flight squares before/after key: 1/1 Black, White moves/captures to promote: move - capture

Underpromotion motivations: Black White Rook check with anticipatory selfpin unguarding flight square Bishop self-paralysis unguarding flight square Knight checking threat checks Version of Hoffmann, no. 9.


17. P. Hoffmann, Schach 2005 (dedicated to Tim Krabb�)

Mate in 4

1.Nxb6 d1Q 2.exf8Q? Qd4+ 3.Bxd4 stalemate
           2.exf8N+? Kd6 3.Be5+ Kc5 and no mate
           2.exf8B! Qd4+ 3.exd4 Kxf6 4.d5#
       d1R 2.exf8Q? Rd4+ 3.Bxd4 stalemate
                    Rd7 3.Qe8+ Kd6 and no mate
           2.exd8B? Rd7 3.c8Q(B) stalemate
           2.exf8N+! Kd6 3.Be5+ Kc5 4.Qxc2#
       d1B 2.exf8Q? stalemate
           2.exf8N+? Kd6 3.Be5+ Kc5 and no mate
           2.exf8R! Kd6 3.Qd2+ and mate next move
       d1N 2.exf8N+? Kd6 3.Be5+ Kc5 and no mate 
           2.exf8Q! Nxc3+ 3.Kxa5 Ne4 4.c8Q#

This is the first cyclic Babson task. After some earlier attempts, first with
supernumerary pieces, and later with inferior keys, Hoffmann managed this version
(Schach, December 2005) with what he considers to be the best possible key.

15 + 8 = 23 pieces key: provides for check, takes flight square flight squares before/after key: 2/1 Black, White moves/captures to promote: move - capture

Promotion motivations: Black (Queen): threatens check White (Bishop): unguarding flight square Black (Rook): threatens check White (Knight): provides for mate Black (Bishop): self-paralysis White (Rook): unguarding flight square Black (Knight): threatens check White (Queen): provides for mate

© Tim Krabbé, 2003, 2004, 2005
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