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Building Your Own Tiny Log Cabin in the Woods

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Have you ever thought of building your own tiny log cabin in the woods?

When I found this guy’s videos on Youtube I was pretty excited. He has built at least two really small log houses in the woods using materials within 100 feet of the construction sites all by himself. Imagine doing all the notching yourself along with shingling your own roof with materials you found. That’s what this guy did with the help of some power tools. He even made his own flooring which you’ll see in a minute (if you can stream videos). Both projects were done as a one man show, that’s part of the reason both houses are so tiny.

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How to Build Your own Tiny Log Cabin

Tiny Log Cabin in the Woods

The first cabin project was more of an experiment which took a total of 100 hours of labor. This one used 5 fir trees, some saplings, a bag of screws, mortar, concrete blocks, thick poly, and a zinc strip for the roof.

It sits on 4 big rocks for a foundation and the floor is made out of dirt. He used a half notch for its simplicity using a hand saw, an axe, and a mallet. Here, check out the progress in the video below…

For his second cabin, it took him 13 weekends, 9 trees, 17 saplings, a cedar stump, and $140 in spikes, rebar, nails, mortar, and plumbing to complete the log cabin.

A big thank you to 186282plus1 user on Youtube who built the cabins and provided the video slide shows. You will find more information provided by him on how he did the flooring, shingling, and notching. Click here to check out the rest of his tiny log cabin videos.

Photo credit: Timothy Epp (photo is not the same cabin shown in videos)

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Alex is a contributor and editor for TinyHouseTalk.com and the always free Tiny House Newsletter. He has a passion for exploring and sharing tiny homes (from yurts and RVs to tiny cabins and cottages) and inspiring simple living stories. We invite you to send in your story and tiny home photos too so we can re-share and inspire others towards a simple life too. Thank you!

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{ 4 comments… add one }
  • Helen
    June 20, 2012, 8:52 am

    Where do people find the areas in the woods that they would be allowed to build on? Or do they just go out in the woods somewhere and start building??

    • Beloved & Accursed Fool
      October 2, 2012, 5:57 pm

      yes i agree. i’m surprised he wasn’t thrown in jail and tortured for building on, what someone thinks, is their land.

      • Michael
        January 17, 2014, 9:36 pm

        My Son and I bought 4 and 1/4 acres 5 miles from town and another 3 miles up a logging road behind a logging road gate. We are building a 12 x 12 cabin with a maintenance shop first then we will be building the Long House before we build 3 or 4 more 12Γ—12 cabins for the rest of the kids to have a place to camp out after things are done. We need to take a back hoe to the little river that is our Southern Border before we can get a couple loads of sand brought in for us to have a little beach for the kids.

  • Scott Arnold
    September 8, 2014, 11:41 pm

    Gonna build my tiny house… Need cheap ideas for roof ..

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