November 2-3, all services
November 2-3 is All Saints’ Day (observed) as we remember that God has made into saints all who have been baptized into Christ. On the festival of All Saints’ Day we honor especially those saints who have died in the faith within the last year. Their names may be known or unknown, but we sing our thanks that they are now held in God. In each service, we will have a Commemoration of the Faithful Departed naming members of the Trinity family who have gone before us.
In honor of All Saints’ Sunday, we will have a longer prelude this Sunday at the 5:30, 8:30, and 11:00 services at the Mission campus. The organ prelude, “Ils Verront Dieu” (“They will see God”), by Jacques Charpentier (1933-2017) will begin around 7 minutes before the service.