Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Pot Holders on a Loom, Taking them to the next level!

I remember so well when I was eight years old and was given a loom to make pot holders. 
I LOVED it! 
I still love making them, but over fifty years later, I found that you can teach an old dog new tricks! There are no pot holders that serve the purpose as well as these handmade ones! 
At least that is my opinion!

For one thing, did you know that there is a larger loom available? The standard child's loom has 18 pegs on each side. The Pro Harrisville Designs loom has 27 pegs, so you can make a much larger, nicer pot holder. 
Harrisville Designs also makes loops specifically for making pot holders 
(compared to the ends of socks that are cut off to make your run of the mill loops) for both sizes. 
They have beautiful colors and the pot holders make up so much nicer! Now, they are a little more pricey than the waste product from the socks, but at my age, they are worth it! You can order from Harrisville Designs or many locations. The best price I found was at Live and Learn.com.
Just do a search for potholder loops. They fit the looms so nicely and make up so pretty!

I also found that you can create such fun patterns by passing over a second loop like above. Notice how the pattern is completely different on the two designs above that are the same other than size, but look different on reverse sides. Perhaps that is called a twill stitch? I am not into weaving jargon, but I will check with my weaving friend when I see her. I do know the woof goes across like a dog running (woof, woof) and the warp runs up and down, but pot holders are child's play, so you don't have to worry about all those terms. At least I think that is what she told me about the dog running!

Another trick you can do to create a neat design is to look at the loop as two pieces as you weave through it, and split the two as was done above and below. Fun, fun, fun!

Create patterns that look like they are woven or look like houndstooth as seen below. This is so much fun!

Just switching the color of the loops used in the pattern creates a matching set! I am even drawing up new designs to fit my new Pro size loom!

My sister got me started on this when she was riding with me in the car over Labor Day and was making some pot holders just because she needed some.....I guess I have taken it to the next level!


Jan Castle said...

WOW...I remember doing this as a kid...have not seen them around since. Yes, they were fun to make and very durable....TFS Holly. Will have to check out the PRO size!

Anonymous said...

I love the black and white and red and black potholders pictured above.
Can you explained how to set up the loom and what colors to weave in?
[email protected]

Anonymous said...

I too would love to know how you made the red/black and black/white potholders pictured above. Please post instructions.

Anonymous said...

I have been trying to figure it out for the longest time then it came to me!! What I did was first make a potholder but don't do the sides so it's still on the loom then do another design on top of that and loop them then it's double sided!!

Unknown said...

I really love the black/white potholder & also the red/black arw they any way you can aend me instruction on how to make them [email protected] thanks

Kat Emerson said...

Apparently I am having a dense moment or two, but can't for the life of me figure out the black and white! I make pot holders every day and decided to branch out from my normal patterns. Also, you're so right about Harrisville. They're the only loops I'll use and I buy from Amazon. Will check out your link for another source. If you're willing to share tips, could you please email me? [email protected]

Anonymous said...

love these ideas! can you please send the patterns for the black & white /red & black ones? I cannot figure it out but would love to learn...any pattern ideas would be greatly appreciated...thank you so much
[email protected]

BeckyinVermont said...

I looked at the design very carefully and figured it out. There was a crafter on Etsy selling the pattern for it (Dorsidell), but it doesn't seem to be there now.

Anonymous said...

I am interested in the black and red design instructions for my 13 year old daughter. I introduced her to he Liam a few years ago. She just picked it up again. This is one craft she completes over and over again. A new design would be great. [email protected]. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Hi, great designs, thanks! Any chance you could email the designs that aren't on Harrisville's wizard website? (The black-white, twill, etc.) Use: special j man at gmail. Regards, Jerry.

Anonymous said...

could u post pic of pattern for diagonal?

Anonymous said...

I love the black white pot holder. Hi Would you please send me the instructions to set up the loom for the black white pattern shown?
To [email protected]
Thank You So Much