Dear Homework,

We would really like to help our ranch go from ‘drab to fab’ (if that’s even possible for a ranch). What changes can you suggest? We’ve thought about removing the front bushes and making a front patio. We’ve considered white-washing the red brick to completely change the look. At this point, we are just not sure. Any suggestion would be appreciated.

— Drab to Fab

[the home’s pros] nice, wide front lawn step down roof adds character great framing trees all-brick facade a plus [the home’s cons] guest parking on drive not ideal bold, horizontal lines require a vertical counterpoint here front door is lost and forgotten boring roof shingles do the facade no favors walkway could relate better to architecture HmWk_after105a[phase 1] Following is a detailed study of possible improvements. Let’s start with the existing home’s positive attributes: it’s on a nice big lot; it’s framed (but not hidden) by mature trees; the garage wing follows the slope of the ground, adding a ‘custom’ touch; garage doors are not visible; it has an all-brick façade; and it has a nice wide elevation presentation. That said, there are some obvious drawbacks: the façade needs some vertical accent to counter-balance the unrelenting horizontal presentation currently there; the front door is almost tragically underwhelming and needs much more presence; guest parking and entry are not gracious; the existing landscape does little to enhance the architecture. HmWk_after105b[phase 2] An obvious choice for architectural upgrade would be to add some vertical interest to the living room. Not only will this create a dramatic interior volume, but it will add the vertical note at the exact location it is most needed. Next, improving the front door is in order. Adding a sidelight and a dramatic trellis make the entry more important, without competing with the new living room window. Even after these dramatic changes, something is missing. Painting the brick and windows and adding a more architectural roof are called for. HmWk_after105c[phase 3] The improved composition now needs to be better anchored to the landscape. Creating a walled entry court extends the architecture into the front yard and introduces an additional layer that makes the home feel much more sophisticated. A new drive court and its supporting bold, yet simple, landscape design are the final touches that show the remarkable potential that lies within this seemingly forgettable home. Thanks for sharing such a useful example.

Homework is penned by Paul Doerner, president, The Lawrence Group. if you would like your home critiqued, contact us at [email protected].