Remembering the Fall of Singapore - papers of Corporal Alexander Johnstone Diary 1942-43 part 7

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Fall of Singapore
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NOTES 8:7:1 143rx DA7 P.O.N BEIVE eall 0000 for laggage party. We accved of fom our building at 0655 with eigaton I not on our tailer, picced up tim 60 more at Dwoy and ten pusled and pilced the lot up He Biq Kill to Carrak Square tem yus on the party eecaded our lot and brought. The empt tailer back to our building. at 070, had a cup of tea and a shower and ten breakfar at 0243 cousisting of me meat dripping w besat pea ual, grated cocunt, repper and cona alro same duid wilk After breakast: bce and I tredomer o see San pirked up a Lammer grearls, stasl, a book and a few odd and endr Ourparty of eigater wenosaid off at 0930, slook lands all round and in one way we all feet louny at ouing thm 9o, we guow not where they are going and it is a had among us. well mine own I hope and pray it is a move for the beter and nearer and dover to our dear ouer, gee anie ovn it rely cannot be ling byor we are remested and then our lifelong happiness begie NOTES 3712 WMPON anditing again this morning with agaif until diner at 1050 counsting of me, give gravy, one a bient and tea. we assed roya ance, gaer and reppor. awaiting again this afternoon with agait auie 1000 attrnoon ten, yeass parade at 1700 watched bu in a pilo four and grated same cocount Tea at 1300 couvered of rice ueal grated comnet and its wiek heated up, sultauas repper, dripping and two to biscuits and anea garlis care and tea Peayed seloaster tea until 2030 and then went for a stoll. Rcceived ou ine of paper (ane sloet of nwspape Ose and I had a rower about 0130 and then to bed. Change gaol lasked lie and york sast aigat noking ale to relate wnnl owr all vy prayers for you as usual, then shet exe
138 NOTES MHHT DOY PON TUCC 9742 &eueli o80 chowered and shaned and there briakfast at 0900 consising of m wesl, reamil anebe lnant and to our own dripping, ripper and 1000 u Caand te corsun grating this morning There are only a few hundred outside asspital patients and is ay aft in the camp now, soit is dejuately a diserted celage yesterday a feight of forty eigls faranar boaders went over, thy were escorted by ffteen fightrs and also your huse plying boats, so there must b some actuity reasonably ceveat land. andiing with agoe by again this morning a tup was on today to te macland collecting puincapples with the gaps, I would like to davegave, but peraps wext time I way be lucky. Dinver 1330 counitd of me, grees, gravy aut lenant, and tea, we added pepper saya sance and dryping andetng again in the aftenon with Agdez, unt 1700. Played solo tel 1800 and thenr tea consising of neceneal, tea, two a biscut and a cocount slil, we added grated cocount, pipper and dripping Played sold after tea until 1900 DTES THUE MC 9242 Ore and I did some croking, bes with consisting of ground burnrue, and its flowr ana grated coco-unt, cooked in caeo net ore, borrowed a prying ran and did the job. We fained the rece in a tir in Stane old garage alade about ten 0 aake Tere was a concer on our sage but we had abready nem it on usaday, so after our cooding, went down and had a slewer about 3030 eaterned in time to replar thles and fous and ther went for a sholl. Disnvered fur a vo beds, s0 procptly brought king back to our building, whachs, all we weed now is a mathers. well mine owre te is nothing else Frelat, all any payen for you as usual then shut eye.
140 NOTES FRDRY 1242 TStDAYPON Geverell 6800 carted our beds upstans and made it ain like same. sowered and then breakor at 0900 consising of nuce. wcal reameal, one a discnt and ta weadded grated caco ne repper and dupg anly worked for a few inmutes and ten the remy the suoreeig to regrey Weeet for a sholl by mysey and then chaved and read tee duenes at 1850 counisting of recegrum, gravy Tea and well bsent, aangarncepepper and gailel. atterncen of again, the cip must be good mstest it, o wine owle it is only iten days to go (o9th july) since I last saw you, left you and said giadleye, to we, it has been a lypes gran and to you & Guone anly to well what it has mcant goe Iug, I am so very confident that we will be remiited by rmas gu2 and then we will sait all ouer again as I say in my inghtly prayen you and I and our b iddee if we are go blened Gratedrae wes-reet and sixed cowa with I for tx. Played sdo fom 400 until 1800, afternoon tea at 1600, year parade at 100 bec and two others were collectng wood 141 Em WHPPO 1722 this afternoon. Tea at 1800 consisted of pice acalwatery), tea, ane a bescet and pie in te we added grated conunt in cowoa, pippos, ryasance and dripping and had quite a good tea Peased solo after tea until 2030 and ken by meeans of a broken down hursane lamp and a yeeto cream camp tried to play uetil 9100, but it was a jailure, the Aight jalls very quickey at iget ouer lere, we imente it is eight and literally the wext is dank. went for our ingeky woll, te peace is practically diserted came back to our building and then to bed asking doe to relate mine own. all my prayers for you as usual, Henw shert eye
142 NOTES MURAY N282 h Gencilli on shamored and then brakjast at 0goo cousistary of aunt rie weae pea meal, tea and once) bisst, we added grated cocount and dripping bee did the grating this maning our aids were reguas last inget and we slept leketeps. cowork again this moring so boiled all the sailed clother becs and mine os well as my two sheets an sarm over the wask tul war not us it. Had a shower and then dinner at 1330 canisting of rice, greens, gravy, ten and aur disa. acesgarle raya sance, driprig and pepper Thumorning the usual four Cap large fap plyiig boats were auer and ale am camp again tewing their white samages and once on their return tuip, one of the sausages was just about blowen to bets, mey must have ben pradicing up on the mameand to the A.P.F cemetery this afternoon to pick up three ) buts on our tailer for finewood our cemetary is in man order, there are about fty graves and among them are three 6 8/154 dapy. Ionly knew tuo of them arrived hack with our load a 1615 had a cup ytea and then a 145 NOTES SATUEDAYEIMYHGHDAYPON 00 tong Played solo uitil 1800 yeas parade at 1700 (yast was not the anst Tea 1800 (excellant consisted of rice ucal sanp, twos pish cakes and ancdisat and to we asded cacount, raisins, dupping and repror geayed sels after tea until dusk, then douned our long pants and shirts and wvent for our ingatly sholl. It was be first tme for ages since I have warn ang rant, really, sunce I was cast at Eeminych came anck to our building and ten to aed leothing cere s relate mine own all my mayers for you as usual then stact eye
144 NOTES SO Wth PaY PON 7 Geneilli 0200 Slanea and showered cleaned my book made a sa band os there is a full clurch parade this morning at 1015. Brcafast 0950 consisted of we icallated peaical, anoo bsant and tea, we added grates coco wit repper and dripping. at 05 we feel in and after an inspection by our de atended te clurch parade under the cacount palms until 1100 During the service, planes wre ever head yeturned to building at 1116, made to te camy, one out of wan and another out y squrt cream. Gamed like clazer beyore diner 1330 which consisted of rice, greens, fist same, tea and am O Discent, we added repper, ahile samce and dripping Full again after dinner and we played solo. until tea at 1800. Atemoon tea at 1600 and year pargde at 1700(more like beer every day. Tea 1800 cousisted of rue meal, sanp, tea and one and are half parts ( party, sugar me and cocount) we added gratd net dripping raising and ripper. NOTES FWTh DAYPON 2742 Lre wen for a serounging stoll after ea, be, Be perlwand nyt, callected a whirt two a pais galor, a pair of long raits, a walking stek, a Surricane lamp geart and same cricket gear. Returned to building, had a teug(in te daid, lt our camps, they punctoued 1007 and then to bed asking use to relak wit owe all my payers for you an usual, new sbeat sye
146 NOTES SCO MINDRY 1712 Ravulle O200 slaveved and the breavart at 0900 cousisting of reocal peameal, tea and ault, tesant, us op work this morning bor put same clokes on to boil and was called away on a spicial fo tqul, so I tok lispease on the rew gundig squad tided about 1 and then went and anged a sand and a takls for our two o loxes. Tonged and tn dinnner at Bso consisting of burnt gleric, gris, pol same and teal000 anait, assea popper, say a rance and gavee widnene tw erusking afer dinner until 1500 tn aam Played olo fom 1645 untit 1800, afternoon tea pd 1000, year parade at 700 Tea 1800 counsted of re meal, one and one half paste, purcapple jince, one or besant and tea, added panius dripping, repper and grated ano wet went or a steel at 3030 after playingado and got Rebert Sisle a bed Retuned to bueding at 310 uoking sere t relate mine own, all my prayers for you as uuse kin but eye NOTES 742 2e W9h DAYPAN Gennels 0000 Toued and the briakast at 0900 countreg of me wicse, nea weal, too so discets and ten we added driping, pepper and grated coco wt Iwas on ratin jatque this morning ap our building at 400 and returned pove supply dyst at 1345, persuire, gee I was like a werag. had a slower and than dinner at1350 consisting of me, grave griens one biscen, and tea we added garlic, pepper and dripyring. ater anner we went over to admane to piek i a long pair ix pants for bee and a pair of boots for ansey, before leaving the outhouse a Divoycange alige and did i crackles Come back to our building at 1600 had aternoon tea and played seo uutte 100 year rarade at 1700 Tea 1200 cousred of reecueal, weat e ac biscent and tea ix aaded grated cocoit dyping, rainns and repper and say a sance Playel sils after tea until saso, went for our usual streed now have to wear long pants and shirts slewe turned down) notking else to relat wene owr, all my prayers for you as usual Teer shut eye
148 NOTES 150th 147 P.OW HFDNESON Ganillios00 dived and tee slewered, bagest at ogoe consisted of mewead surnt, rea wcel tea and ane 11 derant, we acced grated cocouts dripping and reppir I am playing crcket this asannoon oo owr building against Deavy. Ticking gree this morning wntil 000 then back to our auieding, hnd ating, rested wntil dinner at 150 which counted of piiceguins wss gravy, ten and andlon aixet and tea, we added during raya same and repper als o gailes. Player oricket the aftern con; very lot, we wor by to ruin, I made 54.0 Came back to or building about 1730 thorougdly burn. I have lecouse rost through being in the offee) had a showe and then ten at 1800 consisting of me weal. peneapple jine, two fat caker, yeast and tea, we added grated coco ant dripping reppor and ancs all hed we thorouglly enjoyed it Played solo aftertex wett duck and ten or corurial shall, had a loot at or Cuilding we are supposed to be weving into 177.42 usking else to selate wene an all my mayors yo you as cncial them lut eye 149 NOTEE SDAYPON TANECDAY 6742 Bevelle 0800 gaming cats and dags, shewered and the buckfast at 0900 consisting of rue meal, wea meal, on anont and tea we added dryping, carount and repper. are weod fatque after buarjar three trailer loads and pusded at 300, given a enrgtex and ten went dawn or a shower. Dinner ssocounted of ne, qrient gravy cneg ancust and an, we added garles, repper saya same and dupping anditug in te afterioon with agai &unte 1700 (yeart parade, afterrson tea parade at 1000, wotched a solo your witl 1800 thes tea counsting of ne meal, pinapple jine, tea and two ao pinanple pastes, we addid raisus and grated to io m and ance again had a grand tea. bee this afternoon cssted some mce neal with grated coco-unt but I was not too imressed with it Dancer t in our area ouight, it is runioured that we have for papan you 3o7 4swonder went for a shall after a good comort then to did noting dse to relate mine own all my prayers for you as usual then shut eye
150 NOTES EEIPRY 1712 Gieells 0800 showered and then Manart at 0900 cansistineg of me wcal, rea ueal, tia and one ao biscut, we added grated coco wit, dripping and repper. anditing again thi mgrning with agret bee and usel are with remporty leaving for gapan cave are ted on te 35.742 so we areparty esuled you and us we did not volunter so will take what is coming, thre is great anetmt in te ouieding. Dinver 1350 counsted of niee, gives, grany, Circet and tea, we added drying, gave, say a sance and reppir cuditig and played sals from 1600 until 1800 Atteroon tea 1600, yeart parade 1700 Fea 1300 cousisted of rice, wolss meat parties, gravg and Ea, we addd chile cance, grated exount, ranr and wocoa Played do after tea until dusk, we are all excited about our mave, we nat- and youed withl lights out about where we wight be going etc, oh mine oven y it were only houe. Asking else to relate wine own, all my prayers for you as usual, then shut eye 151 LDPON S 12242 Geveilli 0800 eewered and olaved and then breakfort at 0900 consisting of mnical, pea weal, anegbinent and tea, we added dupping pepper, grated cocount and exoa Cupteed the old ket bag out after breakfast and repacted it preor to our mone auditing this morning witl 1350 with agae b fack Baruer o 6.80 and in Ihospital last cugat, his guneral is thes afterwoon Denver 1350 cousisted of me, greens, gravy, and tea, we added say a sane clieisance, repper and garler. heard a dinner time that we are to be issued with FS unigorom, quatcoat and two to sats woolen underwear, so this party must cirtainly be going to a coed alimate. anditing with agai4 witl 530 ten went to te preral of JD, He march to be smetery let we like a we rag arrived back at our bulding at 1730 had ating, then tea at B00 coumin owe weal, sinp, one and a lalf cacount seus cakes, ae biicut and ten, we acded grated corount, fepper, cas, raiscs and dipping and fiuled up with a guod weal
152 NOTES 12740 Dorenor 5ADYPON Played solo after tea wite dusk and then went for a stael to look ap same Dut soldis weo were bong arawen fom Dumata this morning. our mave to fapan is stll on widnesday and it looks as if we will fish up in an interciationally run presar camp with representation of Bnise, austr, Dutch, amrican and Sauadian soldien Played oals after dusk ant our lmps unth 3515 in between we lad same cod ne, grated cocount and cava nothing alse to relate iine own acl my mayers for you as usual then ent eye 153 NOTES ISHTE DAY PON SUNORY 4242 Giulls 0800 Raming cat and dogs, showered wider drain pipe, then breakfart at 0930 counsting oriceueal, peancal, dreed wilt, oue) discnt and tea after breakjast went over to oranance with the traiter and six - of us got the qunng away "clother returned to building at 1230 had a ting and then dinner at $1330 consisting of me, gree, fish sauce ane bisaut and tea we added gaile hepper and saya sance auditing with agde o util 1700 and ine between times iut uetal autous on my 83 weyorm and guatioal and did some eviing of stipis on tim and great coa Had a taug a 1730, afternoon tea at 1000 and yeast parade at 1700 Tea 1800 cousisted of wee weal ane and ane lay cocount ssweel party and one O1 biscent and hea, we added grated cocount and coeoa Peayed solo after tea until dusk and then youed and talked at 1030 we were notud of an early reveilli at 0 acn 00for & cedical inspiction in the morning
154 NOTES DONDAYECONTNE 134M1AYOON 2242 great exutement, the nembers lave gue up and bee and I are both included only a faiture in our medical examoaton, what ever sat aught cousist of can sstop i cow Oseus stange t have been mued with gusteral, F.S ujoun, singat and puceover, we enanily unnst be gaing to a coed camate well nine own I have nothing else to relate, will try and go wixt te esspital tomorrow and ray grodbye to acm and Dong all an prayers for you as usual kin santeys 158 NOTES 155th DoY PON 22742 70 Gevereli opo(dark) liened and then. Creakfast parade at 0745 (s shower you). Gice mcal pea meal aned biet and tea added grated cocovut Parade 0800 and we moved up to join the rest of the A.I.FB Force Cone Lundred (100) strong and marched to a telay Squan in Engins lines, waited in quees of 100 for enedual inspicton by our own and paxancse Med qun we readed the no at 1150, a lest with a aceale a blead seide in our riget ear and a test for dysentry, well tell you what that was later marded back to our building and arrived dee at 1345, Cob Lor le had commenced doeling aoue of my cloke so I hopped in and oroked the for until diner a 1250 Dunner consisted of me, green, pl cance an bisat and tea we added aya cance, repper and garles laught the 1445 jerry to the lospital and spent an hour with aeex and Dong said gredbye to dong and Alox - Icoming over to see ane tomorrow afternoon to say groddge and pick up a few tlulgs

8.7.42       WEDNESDAY         143rd DAY P.O.W
Reveilli 0600 for baggage party. We moved
off from our building at 0605 with eighteen
(I8) kits on our trailer, picked up ten (10)
more at Divvy and then pushed and
pulled the lot up the "Big Hill" to Barrack
Square, ten of us on the party.
Unloaded our lot and brought the
empty trailer back to our building
at 0740, had a cup of tea and a shower
and then breakfast at 0845 consisting
of rice meal, dripping, one (1) biscuit, pea
meal, grated coconut, pepper and
cocoa also some dried milk.
After breakfast Cec and I tore down 
to see Stan picked up a hammer
nails, stool, a book and a few
odd and ends.
Our party of eighteen (18) was moved
off at 0930, shook hands all round
and in one way we all feel lousy
at seeing them go, we know not
where they are going and it is a
break among us. Well mine own
I hope and pray it is a move for
the better and nearer and closer
to our dear ones, gee mine own,
it surely cannot be long before
we are re-united and then our
lifelong happiness begins.


8.7.42                        WEDNESDAY                  143rd DAY P.O.W.
Auditing again this morning with [[AGde L?]
until dinner at 1330 consisting of rice, greens.
gravy, one (1) biscuit and tea. We added soya
sauce, garlic and pepper.
Auditing again this afternoon with [[AGde L]]
until 1600 afternoon tea, yeast parade at
1700 Watched Cec in a solo four and
grated some coconut.
Tea at 1800 consisted of rice meal, grated
coconut and its milk heated up, sultanas,
pepper, dripping and two (2) biscuits and
one (1) garlic cake and tea
Played solo after tea until 2030 and
then went for a stroll. Received our
issue of paper (one sheet of newspaper).
Cec and I had a shower about 2130
and then to bed. Changi gaol looked
like New York last night.
Nothing else to relate mine own. All
my prayers for you as usual, then
shut eye.


9.7.42                       THURSDAY             144th DAY P.O.W.
Reveilli 080
Showered and shaved and then breakfast
at 0900 consisting of rice meal, pea meal, one (1)  
biscuit and tea over some dripping, pepper and coconut.
Cec did the coconut grating this morning.
There are only a few hundred outside
hospital patients and staff left in the
camp now, so it is definately a deserted
village. Yesterday a flight of forty eight
Japanese bombers went over, they
were escorted by fifteen fighters and
also four huge flying boats, so there
must be some activity reasonably
close at hand.
Auditing with [[AGde L?]] again this
morning, a trip was on today to the
mainland collecting pineapples with
the Japs, I would like to have gone, but
perhaps next time I may be lucky.
Dinner 1330 consisted of rice, greens, gravy
one (1) biscuit, and tea, we added pepper
soya sauce and dripping.
Auditing again in the afternoon with
[[AGde L?]], until 1700. Played solo till
1800 and then tea consisting of
rice meal, tea, two (2) biscuits and a
coconut slice, we added grated
coconut, pepper and dripping.
Played solo after tea until 1900.


9.7.42            THURSDAY(CONTINUED)   144th DAY P.O.W      
Cec and I did some cooking, biscuits 
consisting of ground burnt rice, and its
flour and grated coco-nut, cooked
in coco nut oil, borrowed a frying
pan and did the job. We found
the rice in a tin in Stans' old garage
Made about ten(10) cookies.
There was a concert on our stage
but we had already seen it on
Monday, so after our cooking, went
down and had a shower about 2030
Returned in time to replace tables and
forms and then went for a stroll.
Discovered four (4) iron beds, so
promptly brought them back to
our building, whacko, all we need
now is a mattress.
Well mine own there is nothing else
to relate, all my prayers for you
as usual then shut eye.


10.7.42                FRIDAY               145th DAY P.O.W
Reveilli 0800
Carted our beds upstairs and made it
look like home.  Showered and then
breakfast at 0900 consisting of rice
meal, pea-meal, one (1) biscuit and tea
We added grated coco-nut, pepper and dripping.
Only worked for a few minutes and then
the rest of the morning to myself. Went
for a stroll by myself and then shaved
and read til dinner at 1330 consisting
of rice, greens, gravy, tea and one (1) biscuit,
added soya sauce, pepper and garlic.
Afternoon off again, the life must be good
mustn't it, oh mine own it is only nineteen
days to go (29th July) since I last saw you,
left you and said goodbye, to me, it
has been a life's span and to you
I know only too well what it has
meant, gee Pug, I am so very confident
that we will be re-united by xmas
1942 and then we will start all
over again as I say in my nightly
prayers "you and I and our kiddies
if we are so blessed.
Grated some coco-nut and mixed
cocoa with it for tea. Played solo
from 1600 until 1800, afternoon tea
at 1600, yeast parade at 1700. Cec and
two others were collecting wood 


10.7.42                  FRIDAY (CONTINUED)    145th DAY P.O.W
this afternoon.
Tea at 1800 consisted of rice meal (watery),
tea, one (1) biscuit and pie in tin, we
added grated coconut in cocoa, pepper,
soya sauce and dripping and had
quite a good tea.
Played solo after tea until 2030 and
then by means of a broken down
hurricane lamp and a [[??]] cream
lamp tried to play until 2100, but it
was a failure, the light falls very
quickly at night over here, one minute
it is light and literally the next is
Went for our nightly stroll, the place
is practically deserted came back to
our building and then to bed.
Nothing else to relate to mine own. All
my prayers for you as usual, then
shut eye. 


11.7.42    SATURDAY    146th DAY P.O.W. 
Reveilli 0800 
Showered and then breakfast at 0900 consisting 
of burnt rice meal, pea meal, tea and one (1) 
biscuit, we added grated coconut and dripping. 
Cec did the grating this morning. our beds 
were the goods last night and we slept  
like tops. 
No work again this morning so boiled 
all the soiled clothes (Cec's and mine) as  
well as my two sheets. Mrs Harris over  
the wash tub was not in it. Had a  
shower and then dinner at 1330 
consisting of rice, greens, gravy, tea and one (1) biscuit. 
Added garlic, soya sauce, dripping and pepper. 
This morning the usual four (4) large 
Jap flying boats were over and over 
our camp again towing their white 
sausages and once on their return 
trip, one of the sausages was just 
about blown to bits, they must have 
been practicing up on the mainland 
To the A.I.F. cemetery this afternoon to  
pick up three(3) butts on our trailer  
for firewood our cemetery is in excellent 
order, there are about fifty graves and 
among them are three (3) 8/15th chaps, 
I only knew two of them. 
Arrived back with our load at 
1615, had a cup of tea and then a 


11.7.42         SATURDAY (CONTD)         146th DAY P.O.W.
Played solo until 1800. Yeast parade 
at 1700 (yeast was not the best). 
Tea 1800 (excellant) consisted of 
rice meal, soup, two (2) fish cakes 
and one (1) biscuit and tea. We added 
coconut, raisins, dripping and pepper. 
Played solo after tea until dusk, then 
donned our long pants and shirts 
and went for our nightly stroll. 
It was the first time for ages since 
I have worn long pants, really, since 
I was last at Seminyeh. 
Came back to our building and 
then to bed. 
Nothing else to relate mine own. 
All my prayers for you as usual 
then shut eye.


12.7.42.       SUNDAY         147th DAY P.O.W.        
Reveilli 0800.
Shaved and showered, cleaned my boots,
made a hat band as there is a full church
parade this morning at 1015.
Breakfast 0930 consisted of rice meal (roasted)
pea meal, one (1) biscuit and tea, we
added grated coco-nut pepper and
At 10.15 we fell in and after an inspection
by our OC attended the church parade
under the coconut palms until 1100.
During the service, planes were over
Returned to building at 1115, made
two tin lamps, one out of wax and
another out of [[squirto?]] cream. Rained
like blazes before dinner 1330 which
consisted of rice, greens, fish sauce,
tea and one (1) biscuit, we added
pepper, chili sauce and dripping.
Full again after dinner and we
played solo until tea at 1800.
Afternoon tea at 1600 and yeast
parade at 1700 (more like beer every
Tea 1800 consisted of rice meal, soup, tea
and one and one half pastries ( pastry, sugar
rice and cocount) we added grated coco
nut, dripping, raisins and pepper.


12.7.42.   SUNDAY (CONTD).   147th DAY P.O.W.
Went for a scrounging stroll after tea, Cec,
Bob Leslie and self, collected a shirt, two 
(2) pairs of shorts, a pair of long pants, a 
walking stick. a hurricane lamp glass 
and some cricket gear.
Returned to building, had a tong (in the
dark), lit our lamps, they functioned
100% and then to bed.
Nothing else to relate mine own. All
my prayers for you as usual, then
shut eye.


13.7.42                MONDAY         148th DAY P.O.W
Reveilli 0800
Showered and then breakfast at 0900
consisting of rice meal, pea-meal, tea 
and one (1) biscuit.
CCO office work this morning, Cec put some
clothes on to boil and was called
away on a special fatigue, so I took 
his place on the rice grinding squad. 
Finished about 12 and then went  
and scrounged a stand and a  
table for our two (2) boxes.  Tonged 
and then dinner at 1330 consisting 
of burnt ghee rice, greens, fish sauce 
and tea (NB no biscuit), added pepper,  
soya sauce and garlic. 
Did sauce tin crushing after dinner until 
1500 then rain.  Played solo from 1645 until  
1800, afternoon tea at 1600, yeast parade at 
Tea 1800 consisted of rice meal, one and
one half pasties, pineapple juice, one
(1) biscuit and tea, we added raisins
dripping, pepper and grated coco nut.
Went for a stroll at 2030 after playing solo
and got Robert Leslie a bed. Retuned
to building at 2130 nothing else
to relate mine own. All my
prayers for you as usual then
shut eye. 

14.7.42            TUESDAY      149th DAY P.O.W
Reveilli 0800
Showered and then breakfast at 0900 consisting
of rice meal, pea meal, two (2) biscuits and
tea we added dripping, pepper and
grated coco-nut.
I was on ration fatigue this morning
left our building at 1100 and returned
from supply depot at 1245, perspire, gee
I was like a wet rag. Had a shower and
than dinner at 1330 consisting of rice,
gravy, greens and one biscuit, and tea we
added garlic, pepper and dripping.
After dinner we went over to Ordinance 
to pick up a long pair of pants  
for Cec and a pair of boots for 
myself, before leaving the outhouse 
at Divvy caught alight and did it 
crackle. Came back to our building
at 1600 had afternoon tea and played
solo until 1800, yeast parade at
Tea 1800 consisted of rice meal, meat
pie, one (1) biscuit and tea we added 
grated coco-nut, dripping, raisins 
and pepper and soya sauce 
Played solo after tea until 2030, went 
for our usual stroll (now have to  
wear long pants and shirts (sleeves  
turned down) Nothing else to relate 
mine own, all my prayers for you 
as usual then shut eye.  


15.7.42.   WEDNESDAY 150th DAY P.OW
Reveilli 0800
Shaved and then showered, breakfast
at 0900 consisted of rice meal (burnt), pea
meal, tea and one (1) biscuit, we added
grated coconuts, dripping and pepper.
I am playing cricket this afternoon for
our building against Divvy.
Picking greens this morning until 1200 then
back to our building, had a tong, rested
until dinner at 1330 which consisted of
rice, greens, fish gravy, tea and one (1)
biscuit and tea, we added dripping
soya sauce and pepper also garlic.
Played cricket this afternoon, very
hot, we won by 40 runs, I made
5 N.O. Came back to our building
about 1730 thoroughly burnt. (I have
become soft through being in the
office) had a shower and then
tea at 1800 consisting of rice meal,
pineapple juice, two fat cakes, yeast
and tea, we added grated coco
nut, dripping, pepper and raisins
all told we thoroughly enjoyed it.
Played solo after tea until dusk and then
for our usual stroll, had a look at a
building we are supposed to be moving
into 17.7.42. Nothing else to relate
mine own. All my prayers for you
as usual then shut eye.

16.7.42           THURSDAY        151st DAY P.O.W.
Reveilli 0800
Raining cats and dogs, showered and then
breakfast at 0900 consisting of rice meal,
pea meal, one (1) biscuit and tea we added
dripping, coco nut and pepper.
On wood fatigue after breakfast, three
trailer loads and finished at 1200,
given a cup of tea and then went
down for a shower.
Dinner 1440 consisted of rice, qreens
gravy one (1) biscuit and tea, we
added garlic, pepper soya sauce and
Auditing in the afternoon with [[AGde L?]]
until 1700 (yeast parade), afternoon
tea parade at 1400. Watched a solo
four until 1800 then tea consisting
of rice meal, pineapple juice, tea
and two (2) pineapple pastries, we
added raisins and grated coconut
and once again had a grand
tea. Cec this afternoon cooked some
rice meal with grated coco-nut, but
I was not too impressed with it.
Concert in our area tonight, it is
rumored that we leave for Japan
on 22.7.42 (I wonder). Went for a
stroll after a good concert then to
bed. Nothing else to relate mine own
all my prayers for you as usual
then shut eye. 


17.7.42        FRIDAY        152nd DAY P.O.W.
Reveilli 0800
Showered and then breakfast at 0900
consisting of rice meal, pea meal, tea 
and one (1) biscuit, we added grated coco 
-nut; dripping and pepper. 
Auditing again this morning with [[AGde L?]], 
Cec and myself are with the party leaving 
for Japan (we are told) on the 22.7.42, 
so we are partly excited yes, and no, 
we did not volunteer so will take
what is coming, there is great excitement
in the building.
Dinner 1330 consisted of rice, greens, 
gravy, biscuit and tea, we added 
dripping, garlic, soya sauce and  
Auditing and played solo from 1600 
until 1800. Afternoon tea 1600, yeast parade 
Tea 1800 consisted of rice, two (2) meat 
pasties, gravy and tea, we added chili 
sauce, grated coconut, raisins and cocoa. 
Played solo after tea until dusk, we are 
all excited about our move, we sat 
and yarned until lights out about  
where we might be going etc, oh mine
own if it were only home. Nothing else 
to relate mine own. All my prayers 
for you as usual. Then shut eye.

18.7.42       SATURDAY       153rd DAY   P.O.W.
Reveilli 0800 
Showered and shaved and then breakfast 
at 0900 consisting of rice meal, pea meal, 
one (1) biscuit and tea, we added dripping, 
pepper, grated coconut and cocoa. 
Emptied the old kit bag out after breakfast 
and re packed it prior to our move. 
Auditing this morning until 1330 with 
[[Aqde L]]. Jack Barnes of [[C.G.O.?]] died in  
hospital last night, his funeral is 
this afternoon. 
Dinner 1330 consisted of rice, greens, 
gravy, and tea, we added soya sauce,  
chili sauce, pepper and garlic. 
Heard at dinner time that we are to be 
issued with F-S uniform. greatcoat and 
two (2) sets woolen underwear, so this 
party must certainly be going to a  
cold climate. 
Auditing with [[AGde L]] until 1530 then 
went to the funeral of JB, the march 
to the cemetery left me like a wet-rag 
arrived back at our building at 
1730 had a tong, then tea at 1800 consisting 
of rice meal, soup, one and a half  
coconut slice cakes, one biscuit and  
tea, we added grated coconut, pepper, 
coco, raisins and dripping and 
finished up with a good meal 


18.7.42        SATURDAY (CONT)        153rd DAY POW
Played solo after tea until dusk and
then went for a stroll to look at some
Dutch soldiers who were brought across
from Sumatra this morning. Our move
to Japan is still on Wednesday
and it looks as if we will finish
up in an internationally run
prison camp with representatives of
British, Austn, Dutch, American and
Canadian soldiers.
Played solo after dusk with our lamps
until 2215 in between we had some
cold rice, grated coco-nut and
Nothing else to relate mine own
All my prayers for you as usual
then shut eye. 

19.7.42         SUNDAY         154th DAY P.O W.
Reveilli 0800
Raining cats and dogs, showered under
drain pipe, then breakfast at 09.30 consisting
of rice meal, pea meal, dried milk, one (1)
biscuit and tea.
After breakfast went over to Ordinance with
the trailer and six of us got the "going
away" clothes, returned to building at
1230 had a tong and then dinner at
1330 consisting of rice, greens, fish sauce
one biscuit and tea we added garlic
pepper and soya sauce.
Auditing with [[AGde L?]] until 1700 and
in between times put metal buttons
on my A.S uniform and greatcoat
and did some sewing of stripes
on tunic and greatcoat.
Had a tong a 1730, afternoon tea
at 1600 and yeast parade at 1700
Tea 1800 consisted of rice meal,
one and one half coconut sweet
pasty and one (1) biscuit and tea,
we added grated coconut and
Played solo after tea until dusk
and then yarned and talked
at 1030 we were notified of an
early reveilli at 0700 for Japanese
medical inspection in the morning 


9.4.42       SUNDAY (CONTINUED)       154th DAY POW
Great excitement, the numbers have
gone up and Cec and I are
both included only a failure in
our medical examination, what
ever that might consist of can
stop us now.
It seems strange to have been issued
with great coat, F.S uniform, singlets
and pullover, we certainly must be
going to a cold climate
Well mine own I have nothing else
to relate, will try and go over to  
the hospital tomorrow and say
goodbye to Alex and Doug. All
my prayers for you as usual, then
Shut eye. 

20.7.42         MONDAY         155th DAY P.O.W. 
Reveilli 0700 (dark)
Dressed and then breakfast parade at
0745 (no shower yet). Rice meal, pea meal
and one (1) biscuit and tea added grated coconut.
Parade 0800 and we moved off to join
the rest of the A.I.F "B Force" (one hundred
(100) strong and marched to Artillery Square
in English lines, waited in queue of
100 for medical inspection by our own
and Japanese Med officers.
We reached the MO at 1130, a test with a
needle a blood slide in our right
ear and a test for dysentry, well tell
you what that was later.
Marched back to our building and
arrived here at 1045, Bob Leslie had
commenced boiling some of my clothes
so I hopped in and stoked the fire
until dinner at 1330.
Dinner consisted of rice, greens, fish
sauce one (1) biscuit and tea we
added soya sauce, pepper and
Caught the 1445 ferry to the hospital and
spent an hour with Alex and Doug,
said goodbye to Doug and Alex is
Coming over to see me tomorrow
afternoon to say goodbye and pick
up a few things. 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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