This is a personal blog created by myself, Travel Around Ireland (Catherine Jordan). All personal pictures, opinions and reviews displayed or expressed here are my own and are my copyright, particularly with regards to my personal pictures. Please do not use any of my content or photographs in any way without my prior permission ([email protected]). You are however free to share my posts via the link buttons attached to each post.
Where I have used a picture from another website, for example in a product/service review, or use a picture provided to me from another party, I will always include a picture source link below the picture to that person or company’s picture/website. From time to time, I will source appropriate pictures to use in posts and graphics and these are copyright free pictures from sources such as Canva and Unsplash.
From time to time I collaborate with brands and businesses that are relevant to the nature of my blog, and which I believe my readers will be interested in. I only accept work with businesses that I’m happy to endorse or products that I would purchase myself.
Collaborations include, but are not limited, to the following:
I am happy to receive products or to try services in exchange for a review, provided they are in keeping with the nature of this blog. The review will always be done with honesty, from my own personal experience of using that product or service. Should I receive a product or service for review from a company, this will be clearly disclosed in the post and a link to that company will be provided in the review. Here is an example of a product review and service review I have written in the past.
ASA (the UK Advertising Standards Agency), says that currently (July 2019) that any items whether they have been gifted, gifted and a fee provided or a fee has provided for must be declared clearly and prominently on social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter etc. I make every effort to do so!
I will declare posts as AD’s when it may not be your interpretation of an Ad, to err on the side of caution so you are aware that a transaction has taken place, whether it is in exchange for a product, stay, experience or payment. . For example, if I go on a press trip to review a place in exchange for a stay (exactly like mainstream newspapers and magazines do) I will declare this as Ad-Press Trip so you are aware. If payment has been made, I will declare this too.
Affiliate Links
You can assume that all posts on Travel Around Ireland will include affiliate links including hotel links, service links and product links. This means that if you buy anything after following the link in my blog, I will receive a very small percentage of the sale, or commission. This is always at no extra cost to you, and does not detract from your shopping experience. Posts which include affiliate links will always be marked as so, so you may see a declaration such as “this post contains affiliate links” near the top of the post.
Amazon Affiliate Disclaimer
Catherine Jordan as Travel Around Ireland (, is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
Comment Policy
As a blogger, there is nothing I love more than reading comments from my readers on my posts, or hearing what you thought of them via the blog or social media. I welcome comments and feedback, but please be advised that abusive or insulting comments will be removed. No-one needs to be subjected to that sort of carry on.
Travel Around Ireland has a newsletter. In order to receive this newsletter, you are required to fill out a form such as the one in the sidebar. By signing up you are agreeing to receiving my newsletter with all my latest posts, and from time to time, additional emails letting you know about any new products I am trying out that have special offers available.
By signing up you are also agreeing to the use of your name in these newsletters, tracking your clicks and targeted marketing. You are free to opt-out of these emails at any time.