Travel Squire is a digital magazine and travel therapist in one. Compiled, written and edited by destination specialists, the magazine is beautiful, fun to read and provides you with nearly everything you need to plan your next adventure. It also keeps you up to date with destinations around the world. Our Travel Therapist Service allows readers the help to navigate through all of the choices that are available at their fingertips these days. By becoming a member, you’ll receive a personality questionnaire along with a 30 minute phone interview. The membership includes 3 hours of consulting services to help plan a trip. The Therapist can help with anything from where to go, which hotel to stay in, and what to do there. You can use your allotted time to inquire about anything. You decide how to use it. The membership is $295 and includes one phone interview and three hours of consulting time, no booking.
Jeff Greif
Travel Squire is the brainchild and personal passion of Jeff Greif, founder and editor in chief of the site. Greif is a seasoned publishing executive whose experience includes such illustrious publications as GQ, Vogue, The New Yorker, George and Conde Nast Traveler. During his magazine tenure, Greif traveled the world both for business and pleasure having visited over 40 countries. His travel passion is reflected in his love of language. Jeff speaks eight (8) languages including French, Portuguese, Japanese, German, Italian and is constantly learning more. His most recent studies are Hebrew, Greek and Russian. In addition to the daily management of Travel Squire, Jeff is also the CEO of Free Agent, a media company specializing in marketing. Jeff can be reached at: [email protected]
Thom Meintel
Thom Meintel joined TravelSquire in 2008, after a successful tenure as a publishing executive covering the travel category, most recently as the Director of Travel for Architectural Digest. His long association with design publications such as Elle Décor, his passion for design, and his background in the performing arts have all combined to create a unique hybrid. He corralled his wanderlust when joining forces with Jeff Greif in order to use his extensive media experience to expand the growth and capabilities of the site. He has written and edited feature stories on Cairo, Istanbul, Kiev and Rhodes, Greece and these experiences spurred a new Lifestyle column on the site. Ultimately he aims to produce a regular broadcast segment for the site proving how integrated all media is in the travel experience. Thom can be reached at: [email protected]