a) My close friend, named Peter wrote to me via email on 12.02.2016, giving an account of his personal testimony of how God brought to pass a word of personal prophecy given to him during his trip to Jerusalem Conference in September 2015.
b) From Peter - I have a personal testimony.
i) After signing up for Jerusalem Conference trip in September 2015, Brother Tanny prayed for me before the actual flight departure from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
ii) He prophesied over me that I will be a type similar to John Mark with Apostle Paul to someone in the same conference in Jerusalem. He vividly said that I will meet someone or stay with someone and I will meet my mentor (just like John Mark with Apostle Paul) in the Jerusalem trip.
iii) Later in Jerusalem from 13th till 28th September 2015, I realized that the word of personal prophecy given to me came to pass as my roommate was a recognized prophet to all nations and that he and I grew in close friendship and complement each other in ministry.
iv) In January 2016, my first mission trip together with my new found friend was in Singapore whereby all participants were blessed by my prophetic teaching of God's Word.
v) In addition, Brother Tanny also kept praying and prophesying that I would be travelling to several countries (he did mention some specific countries), ministering and teaching the Word of God. I was also advised to listen to the prophet and do whatever he says much like a mentor (just like Elisha was to Elijah).
vi) My next teaching trip will be in China in March 2016. To my surprise, I was invited by my new found friend as one of the 12 renowned speakers for the School of Prophets in China since he had discovered my gifting during the Jerusalem Conference.
vii) I thank God for all that are in alignment to His Perfect Plan and Will for my life.
"To Jesus be all the glory and honor. Amen."
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