Technical Center
Material Resysta
Rice husks Common salt Mineral oil | approx. 60% approx. 22% approx. 18% |

Density | ASTM D2395:2002 | approx. 1.46 g/cm³ |
Coeffivient of linear thermal expansion | ASTM D696 | 3,6 x 10(-5) mC |
Water Absorption & Humidity | ASTM D1037:2006a | Little up to no water absorption (only surface moistening) |
Weathering and UV Resistance | QUV Test | With glaze treatment, Resysta surfaces are extremely resistant |
Fire Rating (german/european norm) | EN ISO 11925-2 | B2 (E) – standard flammable (with additional treatment B1 reachable) |
Fire rating according NFPA (US Norm) | ASTM E84 | Class A (flame propagation 25, smoke emission 450) |
Fire rating (British standard) | BS 476 Teil 6&7 | Class 1 |
Duraility Resistance against wood-destroying fungi (basidiomycetes) | DIN V EN V 12038:2002 | the material has not been affected, highest durability – Class 1 |
Emission | LGA-tested safety & contamination | LGA test passed |
Brinell hardness (HB) | EN 1534 | 81,1 N/mm2 |
Coefficient of Friction | Leather, Dry Condition | 0.687 |
Coefficient of Friction | Rubber, Dry Condition | 1.082 |
Coefficient of Friction | Neolite, Dry Condition | 0.850 |
Axial Witdrawal Force (of Screws) | EN 320.2011-07 | 5777 N |
Thermal Conductivity (λ) | EN 12664 | 0.199 W/(mK) |
Water Vapour Transmission | DIN EN ISO 12572 | 5777 N |
Bending Strength | ISO 178 | 46 N/mm² |
Bending Modulus | ISO 178 | 3850 N/mm² |
Tensile Strength | ISO 527 | 21,8 N/mm² |
Tensile Modulus | ISO 527 | 2340 N/mm² |
Tensile Modulus | ISO 527 | 2340 N/mm² |
Shearing Strength | EN 392 | 16,8 N/mm² |
Durability – Resistance against rotting fungi | CEN/TS 15083-2 | No attack by the test fungi, highest durability class 1 (very durable) |
Durability against mold fungi and wood discoloring fungi | EN 15534-1:2012 | Durability against the wood discoloring fungi (very durable) |
Durability against subterranean Termites | ASTM D3345-08 | High Durability against subterranean Termites – nearly no weight loss |
Specific surface and volume resistances | DIN IEC 60093 measuring voltage 100V | Surface resistance Rx=8,0*10(13) Ω Specific surface resistance α=8,1*10(14) Ω Volume resistance Rx=2,2*10(13) Ω Specific volume resistance α=6,3*10(14) Ω |
Technic & Characteristics
Anyone working with wood will be enthused about Resysta. Like its natural relative it can be sawn, drilled, painted, sanded or oiled. However, there is one pivotal advantage: Resysta does neither crack nor splinter and its cutting wastes are 100% recyclable. The different profiles of Resysta are produced in an extrusion process can be used for many applications.