Fany Kuiru
Her commitment to protecting the rights and culture of her people is a testament to her dedication and vision. Daughter of cacique Egañoat+ri (sunbeam) and Ñek+na Zafianhö (chambira flower), Fany comes from a line of caciques, wise men and traditional authorities of the Jitomagaro clan. From a young age, she learned that leadership and authority are meant to serve the community and the people. Her thinking has always emphasized that governments and leadership must serve the community.
Fany is an advisor on legal and political issues in public policy coordination processes between the national government and Indigenous peoples, covering women’s rights, economic, social and cultural rights from a gender and equity approach.
She was the only Indigenous woman who officially participated in the process of recognition, titling and delivery of the Great Indigenous Territory of the Resguardo Predio Putumayo with an area of 6 million hectares, putting an end to the darkest period of violence against Indigenous peoples in Colombia.
She was director of the Moniyamena project, training Indigenous women displaced by the armed conflict in Colombia, in their own economy and income generation from the respectful use of natural resources of the Amazon for 10 years.
Coordinator of the translation of the synthesis of the Peace Agreement between the national government and the FARC armed group, in 68 native languages existing in Colombia.
Under her coordination, the Colombian Government joined the initiative “Amazon for Life, let’s protect together 80% by 2025,” marking a historic milestone. As General Coordinator of COICA, Fany is globalizing the call of Indigenous peoples to protect 80% of the Amazon by 2025.