
How partner dancing can teach us to embrace our interdependence

Choreographing ‘Samsara’
The multicultural and collaborative reimagining of Journey to the West expresses key Buddhist concepts through dance.

Becoming Vajrayogini
A New York City–based dance journalist recounts her experience as a Newar Vajrayana Charya Nritya dancer in the holy Kathmandu Valley, where the practice first originated.

Nuns Dance to a Song of Interconnection
A visit to Tek Chok Ling Nunnery in Nepal sheds light on the nuns’ unique practice of dancing to Milarepa’s “A Song of Meaningful Connection.”

The Sacred Art of Charya Nritya
Meet the teacher preserving the dance-based practice of Newar Buddhism

Dakini Dances
See how the nuns of Dongyu Gatsal Ling in northern India are reclaiming a legacy

The Bhutanese Dance Legacy of Pema Lingpa─Still Thriving after 500 Years
On the 500th anniversary of the Great Treasure Revealer’s passing, Bhutan hosts a year-long celebration, complete with the sacred dances he taught.

The Kung Fu Nuns Dance a Powerful Ritual
The fearless Drukpa nuns are breaking glass ceilings again—this time with ritual performance. Here’s how to watch.

Becoming the Dakini
On her journey to healing, a writer embraces a dance of the sacred feminine.

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