Batman/Superman World’s Finest #33 cover by Adrian Gutierrez
Contra III: The Alien Wars (1992), Super Nintendo north american box art by Tom duBois
Tales From Outpost 31, art by Shane Murphy
Between the Nazgul and his prey’ by Gonzalo Kenny
A Dust Storm On Mars, illustrated by Chesley Bonestell, 1956
Dracula (1979), german DVD cover by Adrian Keindorf
The Avengers vs. KANG, by Alan Davis
True Romance (1993), art by Robert Bruno
Indiana Jones, by Staz Johnson
A Princess of Mars, by Frank Frazetta
Power Girl #8, by Irvin Rodriguez
Iron Man vs. Sub-Mariner, by Paul Smith
The Zombie, by Pablo Marcos
John Berkey cover art for “The Defenders” by Bill Baldwin, 1992