Renderrs' DnD Resource
Renderrs' DnD Resource

The dwarf cleric dedicates himself to his clan and the forge. He takes an active role in defending his people, often serving on the front lines of a battle. In exchange for greater martial ability and power when casting spells of the earth, the cleric gives up his ability to turn or rebuke undead and some of his spellcasting prowess.

 Game Information


  • To take a dwarf cleric substitution level, a character must be a dwarf about to take his 1st, 4th, or 8th level of cleric.

Hit Die

  • d10

Starting Gold

Class Skills

Dwarf cleric substitution levels have the class skills of the standard cleric class plus Knowledge (dungeoneering).

  • Skill Points at 1st Level: (4+ INT mod) x 4
  • Skill points at Each Additional Level: 4 + INT mod
Dwarf Cleric Table

Class Features

All the following are features of the dwarf cleric’s racial substitution levels.

Smite Giants (Su): A dwarf cleric who takes the 1st-level racial substitution level can attempt to smite a giant with a melee attack, similar to the way a paladin smites an evil creature. He adds his Constitution bonus (if any) to his attack roll and deals an extra 1 point of damage per cleric level. The cleric can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 1 + his Con modifier (minimum once per day).

  • If the cleric accidentally smites a creature that is not a giant, the smite has no effect but still counts as one of the cleric’s daily smite attempts.
  •  This substitution benefit replaces the standard cleric’s ability to turn or rebuke undead.

Hammer Specialist (Ex): A dwarf cleric’s dedication to the forge-god results in exceptional skill with the warhammer. A dwarf cleric who takes the 4th-level racial substitution level gains the Martial Weapon Proficiency (warhammer) feat (if he doesn’t already have it). He also gains a +2 bonus on damage rolls when wielding a warhammer in melee.

  •  This racial substitution level is only available to dwarf clerics who follow any deity whose favored weapon is a warhammer.
  •  This benefit replaces the 2nd-level spell slot gained by a standard cleric at 4th level. From now on, the cleric can prepare one fewer 2nd-level cleric spell.

Earthen Spell Power (Ex): A dwarf cleric who takes the 8th-level racial substitution level draws power from the earth when casting certain spells. When he is in contact with the ground, the cleric’s effective caster level when casting spells with the earth descriptor (or any spell from the Earth domain, such as stoneskin) increases by one. This increase applies when determining level-dependent spell variables and on caster level checks. This increase stacks with other spell power abilities, such as from the hierophant prestige class.

  • This benefit replaces the 4th-level spell slot gained by a standard cleric at 8th level. From now on, the cleric can prepare one fewer 4th-level cleric spell
Base Classes
Adept - Archaeologist - Archivist - Aristocrat - Barbarian - Bard - Battle Dancer - Beguiler - Cleric - Commoner - Dragon Shaman - Dread Necromancer - Druid - Duskblade - Expert - Favored Soul - Fighter - Healer - Hexblade - Incarnate - Knight - Marshal - Monk - Ninja - Paladin - Pistolero - Psion - Psychic Rogue - Psychic Warrior - Ranger - Rogue - Samurai - Scout - Shugenja - Sorcerer - Soulborn - Soulknife - Spellthief - Spirit Shaman - Swashbuckler - Totemist - Warlock - Warmage - Warrior - Wilder - Wizard - Wu Jen