Trivia Star – Trivia App Review
Today we will be talking about Trivia Star – Trivia App Review. The game is offered in both the Apple Store and the Google Play store. If you would like to find out more about the game you can find it in the Google store here and the Apple store here.

Trivia Star: Brightest Game in the Galaxy or Burnt Out Star?
Trivia star has hit the trivia gaming world, with over 5 million downloads. We wanted to see if the hype was worth it. Check out our in-depth review below, where we analyze the app through five categories: graphics, categories, cost, educational quality, and ad annoyance.
How does Trivia Star work?
Trivia Star is a fairly straightforward app. You answer questions that get progressively more difficult as you proceed. You may play this game online or offline and it doesn’t require an opponent. This game seems to be great if you’re stuck without Wifi and want to test your wit: perhaps on an airplane!
Trivia Star – Graphics
No one is playing Trivia Star for the graphics. The app is simple to use, but with simple graphics. Surprisingly, the app takes a while to load sometimes and it’s difficult to skip through ads. As you can see from the image below, we’ve ranked Trivia Star’s graphics as a 1 out of 5.

Trivia Star – Categories
The categories in Trivia Star are okay. There are many options to choose from, but the categories are pretty standard and unoriginal. Compared to other games on the market, Trivia Star falls short on originality.
Because of this lack of originality, we’re giving Trivia Star a 2 out of 5.

Trivia Star – Cost of Playing
Trivia Star is free but has many in-app purchases available. To unlock expert level questions or questions of the day you need points and coins. In order to get those quickly, you can purchase them through the app. By purchasing the VIP option, you can limit your ads and increase your prices. The cost is $3.99 per week.
Because it is a trivia game against yourself, the cost of playing seems a bit high for the VIP package. This is why we’re giving Trivia Star a 2 out of 5 for cost.

Trivia Star – Educational Value
For educational quality, we give Trivia Star a 3 out of 5. The app has thousands of questions. So if you answer enough, then you just might learn something. However, users have complained that some of the question are far too easy for a trivia app. This is why we weren’t able to give Trivia Star a perfect score for educational quality.

Trivia Star – Gameplay
These ads are certainly annoying, there’s no covering up that fact. While you’re answering questions, the ads stay at the bottom of the screen. However, between questions, ad videos pop up and are sometimes impossible to exit out of. This is very frustrating. Because of this ad problem, we’re giving Trivia Star a 2 out of 5 for ad annoyance.

Trivia Star definitely has its advantages: you don’t need WiFi and there is an almost infinite amount of questions. However, the out of date graphics and ad glitches bring the total score to 2 out of 5.

But don’t take our word for it, head to the app store and let us know your review! If you found this review useful and you think it may have helped you please drop us a line we would appreciate it.
If you have any questions, comments please post them below we check periodically and try to answer them in the priority they come in.
Also if you have any corrections please do let us know and we will update the article with new updates or mistakes we may have made.
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