Just now
Super important update everyone, check out inboxes!

Microsoft Teams
Just now
Anyone know where I can find out onboarding docs? I can't seem to find them anywhere.

Just now
We have some new faces starting with us today. Be sure to say hello!

Google Calendar
Just now
Design standup happening in 10 minutes, don't be late!

Just now
Important update eveyrone regarding our Health Plan, please don't miss!

Just now
Everyone, be sure not to miss our upcoming company retreat.
Bunch allows any organization to build a thriving community with their employees. Add weekly updates, upcoming events, ice cream socials, important news, and anything else.

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Onboarding docs, health insurance information, company news, and everything in between!
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Coming soon
Direct message your teammates
Ryan Johnson (You)
Welcome to the team Larry!

Larry Cornick
Nice you to meet you Ryan, it’s great to be here!
Ryan Johnson (You)
We’ll be having an open team meeting this coming Thursday, excited for you to join.

Larry Cornick
I’ll definitely be there, excited to meet the rest of the team. Currently just finishing reading the onboarding docs 😀 and then I'll be joining all the Slack
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public, come join us
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