People on tumblr are like "I'm handing all my mutuals a bowl of soup we are kissing with tongue we are the bestest of besties I am killing and dying for you" but sometimes me and the mutuals are posting completely different shit existing on the same blogging platform but really we're just standing in the alley going "ayup" at each other like fucking king of the hill.
Tumblr is a website.
Social network? No, it's a mycelial network.
It's wholesome chaos.
It's the gay people in your phone.
It's your angel. It's your devil.
Tumblr is whatever you want it to be.
Oh, and influencers? Don't even go here. This is your space. Every video you find, every quote you reblog, every tag you curate, every waterfall GIF you secretly gaze at in wonder—that's all you. You're the explorer. We're just a map you all keep on making. Welcome home. Welcome to weird. Make it yours.
top ten facts
- We were founded in 2007.
- Matt Mullenweg is our CEO. You can find him at @photomatt.
- There are blogs on Tumblr and were made yesterday alone.
- posts were made yesterday.
- There are celebrities on Tumblr, but no blue checks (except these silly ones). Celebrities really are just like us, on Tumblr at least.
- Our headquarters is:
60 29th Street #343
San Francisco, CA 94110 - Tumblr is available in languages.
- If someone compliments your shoelaces, they're probably trying to figure out if you have a Tumblr.
- We've heard that getting started on Tumblr can be a bit daunting, so we've put together a guide for new (and returning!) users.
- The top five topics on Tumblr right now are:
what is tumblr? well...
here's some of what our community has to say:
"You're wasting your time posting on tumblr" not if you meet your beloved because of how much you Post. Then it's worth it
not the twitter migrants putting "reblog heavy" in their bios on here... like yeah. that's what we do here
i can't believe i still use tumblr in 2023 i feel like an old guy who stubbornly refuses to get a mobile cuz house phones work perfectly fine. and he's right
wow this is too intimate to share with my close friends or family let me put this on my tumblr blog for hundreds of strangers to see

photomatt asked:
If you were Tumblr CEO for a day, what would you do?
nyancrimew answered:
i would replace the crabs with maia kittens i think, everyone should get to befriend maia kittens
also hi matt can i replace you as the ceo now, did i pass the interview
day 1 of not being tumblr ceo yet