The continuation of "Bizarre Foods" finds Andrew Zimmern keeping his passpo...
The continuation of "Bizarre Foods" finds Andrew Zimmern keeping his passport at home, as the chef and writer embarks on a culinary exploration of the...
The continuation of "Bizarre Foods" finds Andrew Zimmern keeping his passport at home, as the chef and writer embarks on a culinary exploration of the great U, S of A. From traditional foods passed down through generations to modern eats whose roots are purely American, the United States is home to a smorgasbord of bizarre foods and equally extraordinary stories associated with them. So who best to taste and tell than Andrew, the man who lives by the motto "If it looks good, eat it"? The cultural cuisine master has done plenty of that throughout the history of "Bizarre Foods," with the "America" incarnation including a celebration of the series' 100th episode.
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