"Friday Night Vibes" is a movie destination that spotlights feel-good comed...
"Friday Night Vibes" is a movie destination that spotlights feel-good comedies, action-packed blockbusters and culturally significant storytelling inc...
"Friday Night Vibes" is a movie destination that spotlights feel-good comedies, action-packed blockbusters and culturally significant storytelling inclusive of diverse voices. Hosted by Tiffany Haddish and Deon Cole and featuring surprise special guests each week, viewers can get the weekend started with a mix of comedy, celebrity interviews and musical performances. Tiffany and Deon, along with a resident DJ, guide viewers through a celebration of life, cultural diversity, special behind-the-scenes moments and conversation.
Available in the U.S. nationwide. This lineup offers a sample of channels we offer. Please enter your home ZIP code below to see your area's lineup. Subject to availability.