Sitcoms come and go. And then there's "Maude," the groundbreaking Norman Le...
Sitcoms come and go. And then there's "Maude," the groundbreaking Norman Lear comedy. The show revolves around Maude Findlay, a very outspoken middle-...
Sitcoms come and go. And then there's "Maude," the groundbreaking Norman Lear comedy. The show revolves around Maude Findlay, a very outspoken middle-class woman who wears her liberal politics on her sleeve and shares her home in suburban Tuckahoe, N.Y., with fourth husband Walter; her divorced daughter, Carol; and Carol's adolescent son, Phillip. Walter and Maude's best friends are next-door neighbors Dr. Arthur and Vivian Harmon. Among the domestic help that Maude helps "liberate" during the run of the show are Florida Evans and Mrs. Nell Naugatuck.
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