US DOLLARS Selling : 1.338 - Buying : 1.3235   Sterling Pounds Selling : 1.7485 - Buying : 1.7105   Australian Dollars Selling : 0.854 - Buying : 0.83   Euro Selling : 1.469 - Buying : 1.4325   Indian Rupees Selling : 1.59 - Buying : 1.49

UCO Bank - Corporate Profile

Founded in 1943, UCO Bank , a commercial bank and a Government of India Undertaking. Its Board of Directors consists of government representatives from the Government of India and Reserve Bank of India as well as eminent professionals like accountants, management experts, economists, businessmen,etc.

The Bank was nationalised on 19th July 1969 and is now a Public Sector Bank constituted under the Banking Companies (Acquisition & Transfer of Undertaking) Act, 1970.

Banks 94.44% share holding is with Govt of India and 5.56% share holding with public .

Our Bank has country wide presence, with more than 3000 service units all over India presence in two major International financial centres namely Hongkong and Singapore.

UCO Bank -Singapore Centre Profile

UCO Bank has international presence for over 67 years. We have a branch in Singapore and Hong Kong.

The Bank's Singapore Operations commenced from 21.04.1951 with the opening of Singapore Main branch. It's a Full-licensed Bank with a Domestic Banking Unit(DBU) and Asian Currency Unit granted by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

The international network is augmented by correspondent banking arrangements with leading Banks at all important world centres in various countries.

Thus UCO Bank has a true global presence and can offer a variety of international banking products, services and financial solutions to all cross-section of business community, general customers and constituents.

Our Vision

To emerge as the most trusted, admired and sought-after world class financial institution and to be the most preferred destination for every customer and investor and a place of pride for its employees.

Our Mission

To be a Top-class Bank to achieve sustained growth of business and profitability, fulfilling socio-economic obligations, excellence in customer service, through upgradation of skills of staff and their effective participation making use of state-of-the-art technology.

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