Why Umbanda
Spiritual and moral evolution.
The religion of Umbanda brings us many teachings, we believe that the main path of spiritual evolution is through the evolution moral, in this journey the intimate reform is the strong link with our Guides, and this allows us to experience charity.
Our Work
Orixás in Umbanda
The Casa de Umbanda Vovó Catarina follows the 7 lines of Umbanda, however, we understand that there are several branches, many ways to apply the knowledge, with the care to maintain the Sacred and its fundamentals.
There is a lot of contribution from the teachings instructed by Sacred Umbanda, as well as from the other branches, Line of the Souls of Angola, and Esoteric Umbanda branches, there is not a single branch. We converge to be Umbanda.
Work Guides
Lines of Work
In the Umbanda religion, the entities work organized in the vibrations of the Orixás, where there is a grouping by phalanxes. In this way the Giras, as the ritualistic ceremonies of Umbanda are known, take place according to the Lines of Work, as described below. Each Umbanda House/Terreiro has its own Gira structure. These are the Giras we have at Casa de Umbanda Vovó Catarina

Preta-Velha/Preto-Velho or Pretas-Velhas/Pretos-Velhos are a line of work of entities in Umbanda. They are spirits that present themselves under the archetype of African elders who lived in the senzalas, mostly as slaves who died on the log or of old age, and who love to tell the stories of their time in captivity. They represent the highest evolutionary line in Umbanda, where the entities are of high vibration because they have achieved humility, wisdom and ascend above all other lines of work .

Caboclos are present in Umbanda since its foundation, since the religion was created by the Caboclo of the 7 Encruzilhadas. Different from the Pretos Velhos, a line of evolution and wisdom, Caboclos vibrate in a jovial frequency, presenting themselves as they present themselves as indigenous . Possessing vast knowledge of the energetic power of herbs, they usually use them in baths and smokings for their consulters; they also require their mediums to take cleansing baths before the spiritual sessions.

They are a class of spirits whose main functions are to collect obsessive spirits, quiumbas, and also act as energetic cleaners in the terreiros. These intermediate line entities work in helping the consulents, both in the left and right giras.

The Baianos are considered evolving entities that work in Umbanda in their own giras or together with the phalanxes of boiadeiros, they can also work in giras of Caboclos and Pretos Velhos. They are cheerful entities that move around in the terreiro, helping with family issues and breaking low magic.

Sailors in Umbanda are a line of work formed by entities generally associated with sailors, who in life undertook voyages on the seas, facing all sorts of misfortunes. They work in the line of the waters, of Iemanjá, the universal mother in Umbanda, the queen of the seas.

Despite all the diversity in Umbanda, the Gira de Erês is, without a doubt, unanimous. No terreiro gives up the children's party, which brings a lot of joy and sweetness to the Umbanda work. The Erês line in Umbanda works in the field of renewal and transformation, using sweets, candies, and simple toys to break all the blockages of the consulters, transforming the energy field in a favorable way and thus being able to help by performing healing works on the matter.

The gypsy line in Umbanda, which falls under the domain of the Eastern line, working energies and manipulating magic in an intelligent and very powerful way, focused on material and spiritual matters. They are quite energetic and use natural powers, such as fruits, leaves, crystals, food and drink, to help those who ask for help.

They are considered Guides of the left, representing the protection of every human being, and act in the shadow and in the light to help you and always bring your Faith. There is a misconception that they are geared towards bad intentions, and this is NOT the case, because due to the various cultural influences of our society and other religions, Exú and Pomba Gira have had their images marginalized and distorted from what they really represent. They are working for us, but what interferes are our own desires and wishes. If we have negative desires and feelings, they will interpret it as the way we have chosen to protect ourselves. But we will always be responsible for our thoughts and actions.
our Structure
Our temples are our terreiros/houses with their firmness and preparation to receive all who come in search of spiritual counseling
The Spiritual Guides provide assistance through their passes and services, depending on the line of work.
We must keep our energy as positive as possible in our daily lives, and even more so when we come to the Giras
Our services are not limited to the Brazilian community, we serve all nationalities. We communicate in Portuguese and English.
Our mediumistic body seeks spiritual growth so that we can always practice charity, donating our time and dedication to those in need.