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Je Suis Charlie

by Undogmatic

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Hypoxia 02:18
Maajid Nawaz 03:40


Je Suis Charlie, because freedom of speech is under siege by religious fanaticism, blasphemy taboos and dogmas and we should continue to defend one of humanity's most important freedoms after this barbaric attack.

Undogmatic releases this EP in memory of those killed in Paris on the 7th of January, 2015, who are among many others who have been killed unjustly throughout the ages simply for exercising their freedom of speech, for speaking their minds, with their pens, their mouthes or their music and other creative powers.

Freedom of speech itself cannot be killed, not in this way, let us thus speak freer than ever and let no one terrorize us out of our most basic human rights.


released January 8, 2015

Cartoon on the cover made by Jean Jullien: twitter.com/jean_jullien/status/552829637215408128

Under fair use the following speech samples were used:
Track 1: BBC - «Satirical cartoons: Is it ever ok to mock a religion»

Track 8: BBC - «Maajid Nawaz discussing the importance of freedom of speech following Paris shootings»




Undogmatic Lisboa, Portugal

One-man music project from Portugal. The man behind it has developed a passion for dark, melancholic and atmospheric beats.

He likes experimenting with downtempo, trip hop, dub, illbient and hip hop, drawing greatly from an eclectic influence of other music genres as diverse as ambient & dark ambient, world music and industrial, to name a few.
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