Vitamin B Complex Benefits
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The eight vitamins: B12, B9, B7, B6, B5, B3, B2 and B1, usually called Vitamin B Complex play an important role in human body. Yes, we all know that vitamins are good for our overall well-being, but we are not aware of their necessity. These nutrients are essential, meaning that our body cannot synthesize them itself, so they need to be supplied in our diet or in dietary supplements. Vitamin B complex helps converting food into energy, allowing us to do complete our daily tasks. Many of the above mentioned vitamins work in tandem, but each of them has its own specific role, from preventing migraines and memory loss to promoting healthy hair and skin.
Vitamin B1 or Thiamine, so-called anti-stress vitamin, protects the immune system and helps human body make new cells. It’s also necessary to break down simple carbohydrates. Some of the Thiamin rich foods are wheat germ, whole grains, beans, spinach and peanuts. Riboflavin (or Vitamin B2) is a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals; therefore, it prevents the heart disease and early aging. This vitamin is also vital for the production of red blood cells and it can be found in almonds, rice, eggs, milk, yogurt, soybeans and spinach. Vitamin B5 or Pantothenic Acid is found in almost any food group (panthothen means “from everywhere” in the Greek language) and it’s responsible for the production of stress-related and sex hormones. This vitamin is also helpful in breaking down carbohydrates and fats.
Biotin, or B7 vitamin is associated with healthy nails, skin and hear, thus it’s often called “the beauty vitamin”. Nevertheless, it has also a role in controlling high blood glucose levels, plus it’s important during pregnancy for normal growth of the baby. Biotin is commonly found in animal source foods, such as liver, chicken, fish, pork and egg yolks, but it can also be supplied if your diet consists of potatoes, nuts and cauliflower. Another vitamin important for pregnant women is Vitamin B9 or Folate, because it prevents neurological birth defects. It’s also helpful in preventing memory loss and keeping depression at bay. Foods such as bulgur wheat, dark leafy greens, root vegetables, salmon and milk are rich in Folate.