Research on Data Release and Location Monitoring Technology of Sensor Network Based on Internet of Things


  • Bin Lin School of Optical-Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China



Internet of things sensor network, data location monitoring technology, WSNs location algorithm, Huffman coding, industrial systems monitor the Internet of Things


The Internet of Things is another information technology revolution and industrial wave after computer, Internet and mobile communication. It is becoming a key foundation and an important engine for the green, intelligent and sustainable development of economic society. The new networked intelligent production mode characterized by the integration innovation of the Internet of Things is shaping the core competitiveness of the future manufacturing industry. The application of sensor network data positioning and monitoring technology based on the Internet of Things in industry, power and other industries is a hot field for the development of the Internet of Things. Sensor network processing and industrial applications are becoming increasingly complex, and new features have appeared in the sensor network scale and infrastructure in these fields. Therefore, the Internet of Things perception data processing has become a research hotspot in the deep integration process between industry and the Internet of Things. This paper deeply analyzes and summarizes the characteristics of sensor network perception data under the new trend of the Internet of Things as well as the research on location monitoring technology, and makes in-depth exploration from the release and location monitoring of sensor network perception data of the Internet of Things. Sensor network technology integrated sensor technology, micro-electromechanical system technology, wireless communication technology, embedded computing technology and distributed information processing technology in one, with easy layout, easy control, low power consumption, flexible communication, low cost and other characteristics. Therefore, based on the release and location monitoring technologies of sensor network data based on the Internet of Things in different applications, this paper studies the corresponding networking technologies, energy management, data management and fusion methods. Standardization system in wireless sensor network low cost, and convenient data management needs, design the iot oriented middleware, and develops the software and hardware system, the application demonstration, the results show that the design of wireless sensor network based on iot data monitoring and positioning technology is better meet the application requirements, fine convenient integration of software and hardware, and standardized requirements and suitable for promotion.


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Author Biography

Bin Lin, School of Optical-Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China

Bin Lin received his bachelor’s degree in energy and power engineering from University of Shanghai for Science and Technology in China. He is currently pursuing his master’s degree in computer science and engineering with the School of Optical-Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China. His current research interests include Internet of Things, wireless sensor networks and big data analysis.


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How to Cite

Lin, B. (2021). Research on Data Release and Location Monitoring Technology of Sensor Network Based on Internet of Things. Journal of Web Engineering, 20(3), 689–712.


