F-ONTOCOM: A Fuzzified Cost Estimation Approach for Ontology Engineering


  • Sonika Malik Department of IT, Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology, New Delhi; National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, Research Scholar, New Delhi, India https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2721-1951
  • Sarika Jain Department of Computer Applications, NIT, Kurukshetra, New Delhi, India




Ontology engineering; Effort estimation; Fuzzy logic, Ontology Cost Model


Estimating effort is an essential prerequisite for the wide-scale dispersal of ontologies. Not much attention has yet been paid to this essential aspect of ontology building. To date, ONTOCOM is the most prominent model for ontology cost estimation. Many factors influencing the building cost of an ontology are depicted by linguistic terms like Very High, High, . . . and so on; making them vague and indistinct. This fuzziness is quite uncertain and must be taken into consideration. The available effort estimation models do not consider the uncertainty of fuzziness. In this work, we propose an effort estimation methodology for ontology engineering using Fuzzy Logic i.e. F-ONTOCOM (Fuzzy-ONTOCOM) to overcome of uncertainty and imprecision. We have defined the corresponding Fuzzy sets for each effort multiplier and its associated linguistic value, and represented the same by triangular membership functions. F-ONTOCOM is applied to a dataset of 148 ontology projects and evaluated over various evaluation criteria. FONTOCOM outperforms the existing effort-estimation models; it has been concluded that F-ONTOCOM improves the cost estimation accuracy and estimated cost is very close to actual cost.


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How to Cite

Malik, S., & Jain, . S. . (2021). F-ONTOCOM: A Fuzzified Cost Estimation Approach for Ontology Engineering. Journal of Web Engineering, 20(07), 2169–2198. https://doi.org/10.13052/jwe1540-9589.2076

