Foundations and Trends® in Technology, Information and Operations Management > Vol 2 > Issue 2–3

Port Inter-Organizational Information Systems: Capabilities to Service Global Supply Chains

By Peter van Baalen, Associate Professor, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Netherlands, [email protected] | Rob Zuidwijk, Associate Professor of Supply Chain Management, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Netherlands, [email protected] | Jo van Nunen, Professor of Operations Research and Information Sciences, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Netherlands, [email protected]

Suggested Citation
Peter van Baalen, Rob Zuidwijk and Jo van Nunen (2009), "Port Inter-Organizational Information Systems: Capabilities to Service Global Supply Chains", Foundations and Trends® in Technology, Information and Operations Management: Vol. 2: No. 2–3, pp 81-241.

Publication Date: 19 Oct 2009
© 2009 P. van Baalen, R. Zuidwijk and J. van Nunen
Supply Chain Management,  International Operations
Information systemsGlobal supply chainsPort automationTechnology managementOperation managementSupply chain managementTechnology managementInformation systems

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In this article:
1 Introduction 
2 Information and Coordination in Container Transport 
3 Port Community System Architectures 
4 IOS Adoption and Implementation in Global Port Communities 
5 Port IT Capabilities: Toward a PCS Strategy 
A Organizations and Flows in the Network 
B Cases 


This paper provides insights into the ways global sea ports are challenged by the need for managing complex information flows, given the developments in global supply chains. We argue that special port IT capabilities are needed to address these challenges by sharing information and planning and executing container transport in a collaborative way, establishing inter-organizational information architectures, and coordinating interests to successfully implement the technological infrastructures. We focus on the role of port community systems that support port communities in meeting the demands of global supply chains.

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Table of contents:
1. Introduction
2. Information and Coordination in Container Transport
3. Port Community System Architectures
4. IOS adoption and implementation in Global Port Communities
5. Port IT Capabilities: Towards a PCS strategy
Appendix: Organizations and flows in the network
B. Cases

Port Inter-Organizational Information Systems

Port Inter-Organizational Information Systems aims at providing insights into the ways global sea ports are challenged by the need for managing complex information flows, given the developments in global supply chains. We argue that special port IT capabilities are needed to address these challenges by sharing information and planning and executing container transport in a collaborative way, establishing inter-organizational information architectures, and coordinating interests to successfully implement the technological infrastructures. We focus on the role of port community systems that support port communities in meeting the demands of global supply chains. Port Inter-Organizational Information Systems has a multidisciplinary nature and should be of interest to students, researchers, and practitioners in several fields, including information management, information systems, operations management, supply chain management, and technology management. The book combines a number of chapters where concepts are explained, while referring to a large repository of case studies provided in an appendix. Also, an introduction to the container transport network is provided in another appendix.
