2018 Volume E101.B Issue 3 Pages 628-636
Device-to-device (D2D) networks are expected to play a number of roles, such as increasing frequency spectrum efficiency and improving throughput at hot-spots. In this paper, our interest is on the potential of D2D on reducing delivery latency. To enable fast D2D network forming, quick device discovery is essential. For quickening device discovery, we propose a method of defining and using common channel and group channels so as to avoid the channel scan uncertainty faced by the conventional method. Rules for using the common channel and group channels are designed. We evaluate and compare the discovery performance of the proposed method with conventional method by using the superframe structure defined in IEEE 802.15.8 and a general discovery procedure. IEEE 802.15.8 is a standard under development for fully distributed D2D communications. A Netlogo simulator is used to perform step by step MAC simulations. The simulation results verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.