2nd International Workshop on DIstributed SImulation & Online gaming

Research Article

A Middleware for Interfacing with Simulation Systems of Multi-Agent Models

  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/icst.simutools.2011.245572,
        author={B.G.W. Craenen and V. Suryanarayanan and G.K. Theodoropoulos},
        title={A Middleware for Interfacing with Simulation Systems of Multi-Agent Models},
        proceedings={2nd International Workshop on DIstributed SImulation \& Online gaming},
        keywords={Distributed applications Model development},
  • B.G.W. Craenen
    V. Suryanarayanan
    G.K. Theodoropoulos
    Year: 2012
    A Middleware for Interfacing with Simulation Systems of Multi-Agent Models
    DOI: 10.4108/icst.simutools.2011.245572
B.G.W. Craenen1, V. Suryanarayanan1, G.K. Theodoropoulos1,*
  • 1: School of Computer Science University of Birmingham
*Contact email: [email protected]


As multi-agent systems (MAS) are used increasingly often to solve larger and more complex problems, distributed simu- lation is emerging as the only viable approach to cope with the resultant increased scale and complexity of MAS. While di erent methods have been proposed for distributing these simulations, the problem of interfacing a MAS with these distributed methods remains just as important. In this pa- per we use the PDES-MAS framework as a solution for dis- tributing the MAS and propose a Middleware as an interface between MAS and the PDES-MAS framework. The Middle- ware supports designing and writing a MAS, translates in- teractions between the shared state of agents to events that the PDES-MAS framework can handle, and o ers a number of commonly used services in a MAS. Practical experience with the Middleware thusfar has shown it to be an adapt- able and ecient solution for designing and implementing di erent MAS.