Jolanta Pondel
Maciej Pondel
University of Business in Wroclaw, Poland
Wroclaw University of Economics, Poland
Project Management, Project Management Software, Workflow, Big Data, Business Intelligence.
Data Engineering
Data Warehouses and OLAP
Databases and Data Security
Databases and Information Systems Integration
Enterprise Information Systems
Large Scale Databases
Non-Relational Databases
Organisational Issues on Systems Integration
In current world, organizations need to adapt to the changing business environment. They decide to conduct projects that result with new business processes, new products or services. Very often the goal of the project is to streamline specific area of company or a whole business. The projects become a very complex set of activities that require a sophisticated IT tools to support the efficiency of all the actions. Probably none single software application is able to handle every aspect of the project. That is why the authors decided to identify the kinds of software necessary for supporting the project and choose the applications that from their perspective can aid specific project activities. We have to remember that projects can generate a significant amount of data. If we are able to transform data into relevant information, we can maximize the possibility of success (both project and organization). In this paper authors propose the foundation of a complex platform supporting proj
ect management and execution with an emphasis on the analytical and reporting part by usage of Business Intelligence and Big Data technologies. Evaluation of such a platform is the subject for the future work.