Lady of Justices's attributes are Blind fold, a Balance and a Sword. Lady of justice originates from the Ancient Roman Mythology.
We all know that generally, sword has traditionally been a symbol of power. This sword which is facing downwards in the hands of lady of justice, represents punishment. Another significance about this sword is that, it is held below the scales, to show that, evidence and court are always held before the punishment. In addition to these, there are a couple of things about lady of justices's sword. The first thing is that, it symbolizes the power of reason instead of any physical power. From there, the power of reason is tranformed in to real power in the form of the law . The second thing about the sword is that, it is double edged, means it is used against any one. It emphasises that, justice should never be work in favour of any man and that judgement of justice should always be carried out impartially. lady of justice's Sword reminds us that, justice is not to be confused with kindness. It is ultimately a symbol of neutrality as justice it self must be neutral to be truly called justice.
The words 'EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW' engraved above the main entrance of the supreme court building shows the equal and fair administration of law.
Ideally, true justice should be impartial to ensure that, all parties receive what they Deserve to Receive.
Balance commonly called the 'SCALES OF JUSTICE' which symbolizes that, Justice is fairly taken in to account from both sides of the story that is from the accusor and the accused. This also symbolizes objectivity.
SWORD:We all know that generally, sword has traditionally been a symbol of power. This sword which is facing downwards in the hands of lady of justice, represents punishment. Another significance about this sword is that, it is held below the scales, to show that, evidence and court are always held before the punishment. In addition to these, there are a couple of things about lady of justices's sword. The first thing is that, it symbolizes the power of reason instead of any physical power. From there, the power of reason is tranformed in to real power in the form of the law . The second thing about the sword is that, it is double edged, means it is used against any one. It emphasises that, justice should never be work in favour of any man and that judgement of justice should always be carried out impartially. lady of justice's Sword reminds us that, justice is not to be confused with kindness. It is ultimately a symbol of neutrality as justice it self must be neutral to be truly called justice.
Since the 16th century, lady of justice has been depicted wearing a Blind fold. The Blind fold reperesents that Justice is Objective with out bias, never favouring the Strong nor the weak, neither rich nor poor, neither the righteous nor the wicked. It shows impartiality and the ideal that, justice should be applied with out regard to wealth, power or other status. It symbolises the equal and fair administration of law with out any corruption, greed, prejudice or favour. Blind fold symbolizes that justice is Blind. It means, she judges with reason and rationality, as they are the only things that truly considerable independent of senses. because, the senses can be fooled and apparences can be crafted. but the mind independent of senses cannot be tampered with any thing.'EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW'
The words 'EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW' engraved above the main entrance of the supreme court building shows the equal and fair administration of law.
Ideally, true justice should be impartial to ensure that, all parties receive what they Deserve to Receive.