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Elements shall be straight and free of any defects that would significantly affect structural performance. Cold-formed steel floor framing members shall be in accordance with the requirements of this section.
R505.1.1 Applicability Limits
The provisions of this section shall control the construction of cold-formed steel floor framing for buildings not greater than 60 feet (18 288 mm) in length perpendicular to the joist span, not greater than 40 feet (12 192 mm) in width parallel to the joist span and less than or equal to three stories above grade plane. Cold-formed steel floor framing constructed in accordance with the provisions of this section shall be limited to sites where the ultimate design wind speed is less than 140 miles per hour (63 m/s), Exposure Category B or C, and the ground snow load is less than or equal to 70 pounds per square foot (3.35 kPa).
R505.1.1.1 Alternate Applications
Cold-formed steel floor framing for buildings exceeding the applicability limits of Section R505.1.1 is permitted to be designed and constructed in accordance with AISI S230, subject to the limits therein.
R505.1.2 In-Line Framing
Where supported by cold-formed steel-framed walls in accordance with Section R603, cold-formed steel floor framing shall be constructed with floor joists located in-line with load-bearing studs located below the joists in accordance with the tolerances specified in AISI S240, Section B1.2.3. 
R505.1.3 Floor Trusses
Cold-formed steel trusses shall be designed, braced and installed in accordance with AISI S230, Section D8. In the absence of specific bracing requirements, trusses shall be braced in accordance with accepted industry practices, such as the SBCA Cold-Formed Steel Building Component Safety Information (CFSBCSI), Guide to Good Practice for Handling, Installing & Bracing of Cold-Formed Steel Trusses. Truss members shall not be notched, cut or altered in any manner without an approved design.
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R505.1 Floors, Cold-Formed Steel Floor Framing
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R505.1.1 Floors, Applicability Limits
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R505.1.1 Floors, Applicability Limits
The provisions of this section shall control the construction of cold-formed steel floor framing for buildings not greater than 60 feet (18 288 mm ...