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The flanges of cold-formed steel studs shall be laterally braced in accordance with one of the following:
  1. Gypsum board on both sides, structural sheathing on both sides, or gypsum board on one side and structural sheathing on the other side of load-bearing walls with gypsum board installed with minimum No. 6 screws in accordance with Section R702 and structural sheathing installed in accordance with Section R603.9 and Table R603.3.2(1).
  2. Horizontal steel straps fastened in accordance with Figure R603.3.3(1) on both sides at mid-height for 8-foot (2438 mm) walls, and at one-third points for 9-foot and 10-foot (2743 mm and 3048 mm) walls. Horizontal steel straps shall be not less than 11/2 inches in width and 33 mils in thickness (38 mm by 0.84 mm). Straps shall be attached to the flanges of studs with one No. 8 screw. In-line blocking shall be installed between studs at the termination of straps and at 12-foot (3658 mm) intervals along the strap. Straps shall be fastened to the blocking with two No. 8 screws.
  3. Sheathing on one side and strapping on the other side fastened in accordance with Figure R603.3.3(2). Sheathing shall be installed in accordance with Item 1. Steel straps shall be installed in accordance with Item 2.

For SI: 1 mil = 0.0254 mm, 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 foot = 304.8 mm.

For SI: 1 mil = 0.0254 mm, 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 foot = 304.8 mm.

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The flanges of cold-formed steel studs shall be laterally braced in accordance with one of the following: Gypsum board on both sides ...