Do you already have your own barcode number and need Barcode Graphics?

If you need a UPC or EAN number go back to the main page. This page is if you own your own barcode numbers and need graphics only.

This page is for the ordering of the following types of barcodes

  • Code 39 (primarily used for internal use, manufacturing and warehousing) – $20.00 each
  • Code 128 (primarily used for internal use, manufacturing and warehousing) – $20.00 each
  • Interleaved 2 of 5 (primarily used for internal use, manufacturing and warehousing) – $20.00 each
  • EAN-13 (also known as GTIN-13 – used for retail products OUTSIDE THE U.S. and CANADA) – $15.00 each
  • UPC – (also known as GTIN-12 – used for retail products INSIDE THE U.S. and CANADA) – $15.00 each
  • ISBN – Used for Books. – $20.00 each
  • Shipping Container Code (also known as GTIN14) – $20.00 each

    The Shipping Container Barcode is comprised of 4 groups.
    1) – Packaging Indicator. We recommend that you assign a number ranging from 1 to 7 for the first digit. If you have a container that has 12 and another container that has 36, you assign different numbers to each. This is very flexible.
    2) The next number is a ZERO. This is required.
    3) The next 11 digits are the first 11 digits from the UPC barcode used for the item inside.
    4) The final (14th digit) is a check digit….this is created with software.
  • If you have any questions about which barcode to purchase, contact us BEFORE buying. If you need more than 5 barcodes, please contact us at [email protected] or 775-376-1770