Outdoors Pools

Is It Safe To Swim In Green Pool Water? (Find Out Now!)

Nothing is worse as a proud pool owner than the sight of murky, green pool water. The sight of green pool water can dissuade anyone from swimming, and it can be quite concerning. As unappealing as it looks, is it safe to swim in green pool water?

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Can You Put A Hot Tub On Gravel?

hot tub is one of the most luxurious ways to relax during the colder months, but where should you have it installed? Can you put a hot tub on gravel?

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Can You Patch A Pool Liner With Water In It? (Find Out Now!)

If there is one thing that I’ve learned by doing tons of writing and research on the topic of pool liners, it’s that they tear. And when they usually do, it tends to be when water is in the pool. The most obvious way to patch up a pool liner would be to drain the pool. But, what if you don’t want to drain your pool? Can you patch a wet pool?

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Intex Pool Pump Will Not Turn On? (Possible Causes & Fixes)

A pool pump is the swimming pool’s lifeblood that keeps the water circulating, filtered, and safe to swim in. If it were not for this machine, the swimming pool would be a breeding ground for bacteria. Other contaminants would take over the crystal clear water that the whole family enjoys.

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7 Biggest Koi Pond Mistakes

As tempting as it may be, you can overcrowd your koi pond if you put too many plants in it. Ideally, you should leave at least 40% to 50% of the surface and substrate free of plants. The pond will be hard for the koi to navigate if over 60% of the pond features plants.

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Can You Put A Liner Around A Gunite Pool? (Find Out Now!)

Gunite is a pool material that is pretty notable. It’s a concrete pool wall material that is famous for durability. Sadly, it’s also known for being a bit rough on skin. That’s why some people want to switch from gunite to vinyl pool times. The most obvious way to make the switch would be to add a liner around a gunite pool. But, is that even a potential option?

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Can You Paint A Vinyl Pool Liner? (Find Out Now!)

Vinyl pool liners are an amazingly affordable way to ensure that your home has a safe pool that you can swim in. As one of the most popular pool liner materials on the market, it’s easy to see why people enjoy them. Unfortunately, they do have the drawback of having to be pre-made. But, does that mean you also can’t paint them? Is customization really off-limits?

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What To Do If Your Pool Has Too Much Chlorine

The only way to tell if your pool has too much chlorine is to test the water. Never swim in a pool that has more than 3.0-5.0 parts per million of chlorine. That is too much chlorine, and it can irritate your skin and eyes.

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How Long After Shocking A Pool Can You Swim? (Find Out Now!)

It is a great practice to regularly shock your pool, and timing is a big part of that. You always want your pool to be safe and clean, and it takes strong chemicals like shock to do that. It can be tempting to jump in the clean water, but how after shocking a pool can you swim?

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Pool Jets Not Working? (Possible Causes & Fixes)

If you’re like me, there are few things that are as fun as feeling the pool jets running near your body. Pool jets aren’t just a fun thing, either. They are meant to help stir up the water and improve the overall flow of your pool. Preventing stagnant water is a major issue in pool upkeep. So, what should you do if your pool jets suddenly go kaput?

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Hot Tub Maintenance Checklist

Consistency is key when it comes to hot tub maintenance. A well-rounded maintenance routine should include several routine chores, such as:

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How To Make A Pool Safe For Toddlers

The first and most basic approach to child-proofing a swimming pool is to build a fence around it. This creates a barrier that toddlers and children simply cannot get around. Fences are effective at protecting toddlers from both in-ground and above-ground pools.

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Ceramic Vs. Glass Pool Tiles: What Are The Major Differences?

Adding tile to your pool can create a stunning showpiece in your backyard. Not only are glass and ceramic tiles beautiful to look at, but they are strong, long-lasting, and very low maintenance. Pool tiles can transform the entire look of your pool with just one simple installation.

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7 Pool Covers You Can Walk On

Pool covers are always made out to be flimsy things. In the past, that was just the way things were. Today, things are a bit different. Your pool cover can turn a pool into a fully covered sidewalk…if you get the right type. While they are not quite common, you can now buy pool covers you can walk on. The question is, which ones are the best walkable pool covers on the market?

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Is It Illegal To Drain Your Pool Into The Street? (Find Out Now!)

Got a swimming pool? Where do you drain it? There are many situations that warrant draining your pool, such as winterization or significant algae, but you should always consider the ecosystem before draining or leveling the water in your pool.

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What Can Ruin A Hot Tub?

Every hot tub owner should get into the habit of covering their hot tub when they aren’t using it. Your hot tub can quickly become contaminated if you don’t cover it. For example, you may notice green water if your hot tub has been uncovered for a while.

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Can You Convert A Saltwater Pool To Chlorine? (Find Out Now!)

In recent years, our society has been on a march towards the “chemicals are bad” style of life. Saltwater pools’ popularity are a sign of it, really. The thing is, saltwater pools are not exactly easy to care for. That’s why people like to have chlorine pools. Though rare, you’ll hear of saltwater pool owners who want to convert their gig into chlorine. Is that even a thing?

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How To Fix An Unlevel Pool Without Draining It

Any above-ground pool can become uneven over time, due to faulty installation or because the ground under it shifts or settles. Even a slight loss of balance can result in wasted water and damage to the pool’s structure. In extreme cases, the walls may collapse, resulting in serious injury or death. This is why it’s important to level your pool.

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Why Does The Chlorine In My Pool Disappear? (Find Out Now!)

A swimming pool is high maintenance, but it is worth the work for the luxury it affords in hot weather. It is critical that you consistently add chlorine and shock the water to kill germs. So, why is it that the chlorine in your pool simply disappears?

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Can You Add Bleach To A Pool? (Find Out Now!)

When you first become a pool owner, the first thing that becomes apparent is that you are going to need a lesson in chemistry. There are so many chemicals that you are going to have to get acquainted with. You might already know that you’re going to need some form of chlorine, but did you ever wonder why people are talking about bleach? Is that even meant for pools?

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How Long Does Pool Clarifier Take To Work?

There are few ways more fun to beat the summer heat than to jump into your swimming pool. If you’re lucky enough to have a pool, then you know how much fun they can be. However, you also know how much work they can be, especially with dirty water. One of the best ways to take your water from dirty to clean is to add a pool clarifier.

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How Often Should I Shock My Hot Tub? (Find Out Now!)

Frequent shocks are required for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is to keep the hot tub clean. There are a few additional explanations listed below:

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Can You Paint A Fiberglass Pool? (Find Out Now!)

Fiberglass pools have such a popular following. They are sturdier than typical vinyl or Intex. They also tend to work well with people who want to customize them with bells and whistles. As a person who gets the need to be customized, I understand the love people have for adding a coat of paint to their pool walls. We know it’s cool with concrete, but can you add flair to your fiberglass too?

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How To Make A DIY Pool Slide (Quickly & Easily!)

Owning a pool is already a luxurious thing in this day and age, but have you ever experienced what it’s like to have a pool with a slide? It’s an amazing thing indeed. Unfortunately, buying a pool slide is going to be a little difficult. We’re going to show you how to cut costs and keep things safe while you make your own.

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How Often Should You Shock Your Pool?

Whether it be low chlorine or algae blooms, many signs indicate that it’s time to shock your pool. Pay attention to the following signs that show the water in your pool needs treatment, such as:

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Intex Pool Is Not Level? (We Have a Fix!)

Intex pools are one of the most affordable types of pools on the market. They’re above-ground pools that are durable and at the same time,  relatively easy to maintain. However, they tend to have one major snag. Sometimes, they end up being uneven. When this happens, you need to know what to do…and if you’re at risk of something worse.

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2022 Cost to Maintain a Pool | Monthly & Yearly Rates

Depending on where you live, a swimming pool can make summer months much more enjoyable and an excellent way to cool off. In fact, during the pandemic, pool manufacturers and installers saw a major increase in demand with everyone stuck at home. Heaters, pumps, and building materials were out of stock for months, but the demand still remains consistent.

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Do You Need A Permit For A Temporary Pool? (Find Out Now!)

A temporary pool can be an exciting addition to your yard during the hot summer months. It offers a fun way to cool down, enjoy the season, and spend time with family and friends. But before you purchase a temporary pool, you might be wondering: Do you need a permit?

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How To Alligator-Proof Your Yard

While alligators are aggressive predators, they are opportunistic and look for easy prey. They are less likely to pursue prey than crocodiles, and they instead typically look for an easy catch. You must remove things that may attract alligators to your yard.

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Pool Pump GFCI Breaker Keeps Tripping? (Possible Causes & Fixes)

Imagine the following moment: you’re in your pool, enjoying the jets. Then, the jets stop working and your pool lights shut off. Your breaker has tripped. You run over, untrip the breaker switch, and get back in. Within a matter of minutes, you can’t enjoy your pool anymore. The breaker tripped again. Your GFCI breaker is supposed to protect your system. So, what’s going on?

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Are Hot Tubs Expensive To Run? (Find Out Now!)

There are very few things more relaxing than lounging in your own private hot tub, whether you’re enjoying a romantic evening or soothing your aching muscles. Despite the host of benefits that come with owning a hot tub, the perceived costs often prevent many homeowners from buying one in the first place. If you’re considering installing a hot tub in your outdoor space, you’re likely asking yourself: Are hot tubs expensive to run?

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Why Is Pool Water Cloudy?

Cooling off and splashing around in the pool is one of the highlights of summer. But it’s not so cool if you’re dealing with green pool water or a cloudy pool. In this article, we’re going to focus on the reasons your pool water is cloudy.

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Pool Skimmer Not Suctioning? (Possible Causes & Fixes)

Having a swimming pool is an excellent addition to just about any household. It allows you to kick back and relax on beautiful summer days. Plus, swimming and water aerobics are fantastic ways to keep your body in tip-top shape.

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Can You Put An Above Ground Pool On Concrete? (Find Out Now!)

Above ground pools are one of the most popular add-ons for backyards, and it doesn’t take an Einstein to figure out why. Pools rule! And above ground pools are the most affordable type. Traditionally, these are put on a grassy part of your backyard ontop of sand. But, what if you want to put it on something like concrete?

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Is Solar Pool Heating Worth It? (Find Out Now!)

When you have a pool of your own, water temperature matters quite a bit. You don’t want it to be too cold, but you might still want it to give you some feeling of refreshment. If you want to have a warmer pool, you might have considered getting solar pool heating for it. It’s definitely an option, but that doesn’t always mean it’s right for you. You might even be wondering whether it’s even worth the price tag…

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How To Clean Pool Tile

Having your own private pool on your property is an amazing bonus, and likely makes you one of the most popular neighbors on the block in the summertime. Maintaining a pool, however, can be a bit costly when you use a professional cleaning service. This is why many pool owners try their best to treat and clean pools without the help of professionals. But sometimes regular pool maintenance is not enough, and your pool can look dirty or stained. When you notice your pool tile is starting to stain, how do you clean it?

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What Is The Best Color To Paint A Pool Deck?

Your pool is your oasis. You want it to be cool, calm, and relaxing. But you also want it to be beautiful all year long. So, refinish the surface to match your house with the best color for a pool deck.

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How To Fix Your Yard After Removing An Above-Ground Pool

Above-ground pools ruin grass in many ways, but it’s mostly because of its weight. Even a 30-foot above-ground pool weighs at least 300 pounds without water in it. Adding water to the pool can increase its weight by 3,000 pounds or more, depending on its capacity.

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How Close Can A Pool Be To A Sewer Line? (Find Out Now!)

You want a fantastic pool in your backyard. But the layout of your property may not allow for the design you created. So, what do you do when sewer lines get in the way? And can you install a pool close to the sewage line or not?

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How Much Does Pool Resurfacing Cost?

Swimming pools are just as relaxing and enjoyable as they are sometimes high maintenance. Maintenance and repairs are a part of owning a home with a pool, but unexpected damage means unexpected costs. Pool surfaces are susceptible to damage, and builder-owners are left wondering how much they’ll have to spend this time.

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What Size Pool Pillow Do I Need? (Find Out Now!)

With shorter days and brisk temperatures upon is, it may be time to prep your pool for the winter. If you own a pool and live in an area that experiences below-freezing temperatures during winter, you are probably very familiar with the process of closing a pool for the season. However, you may not be as familiar with pool air pillows.

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Pebble Tec Vs. Pebble Sheen: What Are The Major Differences?

When it comes to finishing and waterproofing the inside of your new or remodeled swimming pool, you have a number of different options to choose from. While standard plaster – which consists of cement, sand, and additives – is the most popular, Pebble Technology International (PTI) offers several distinct textures of pool finishes.

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Which Way Should Pool Jets Face? (Find Out Now!)

When I first felt a pool jet on my feet, I remember feeling it like was the best thing ever. As I started to learn about pools, I realized that jets aren’t always just there to feel nice. They also can carry certain roles in pool cleanliness as well as water refreshing. I was surprised, though, to hear that pool jets need to face a certain way. But, which way are your pool jets supposed to face?

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Can You Put Chlorine Tablets in a Saltwater Pool? (Find Out Now!)

If you’re considering installing a saltwater pool in your backyard, you likely have a lot of questions. Saltwater pools serve as an alternative to traditional chlorine pools, and although you don’t have to manually add chlorine to a saltwater pool, they still contain chlorine. They have a much smaller amount, which is produced by a salt chlorine generator. This filtering system turns salt into chlorine, to effectively clean a saltwater pool.

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What Are The Most Common Colors Of Pool Plaster? (Find Out Now!)

Pool plaster is the most popular pool resurfacing option for concrete pools. Part of its success is its time-tested results as well as the wide range of different colors that it comes in. If you love customization, then you might want to know what the most popular pool paster colors are. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

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How Much Does It Cost To Replaster A Pool?

Owning a pool is a great investment, particularly if you live in a hot and dry environment. Nothing beats being able to cool off with a relaxing dip when the temperature starts to rise. However, while a pool is a blessing during the hottest months of the year, it can require a lot of upkeep and maintenance.

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How To Keep Frogs Out Of A Pool

Finding frogs in your pool can be disconcerting. Not only is it a hassle, but chlorine is toxic to frogs and they can quickly die in the water. Understandably, many homeowners struggle with how to keep frogs out of a pool.

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How To Tell If a Pool Pump Capacitor Is Bad (Quickly & Easily!)

Pool pumps are a necessary part of swimming pool health, and they help sanitize the water. However, they can run into trouble and fail to operate properly if the capacitor is outdated or damaged. So, how can you tell if a pool pump capacitor is bad?

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What Is The Best Material For Pool Furniture?

Buying the right pool furniture is critical when you are trying to create the perfect vibe for your backyard oasis. A pool is a great way to create an elegant and tranquil atmosphere, but without the right furniture, a pool can look drab and shabby. So, when you are shopping for pool furniture, you want to make sure you buy something long-lasting and chic. But what is the best material for pool furniture?

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My Hot Tub Is Frozen: What Should I Do?
Can You Run a Pool Pump With The Solar Cover On?

A solar cover is a great addition to your heated or non-heated pool. If your pool has a heater, you will have to retain all the heat you can. If it is heated, saving heat with a solar cover is a great way to save money.

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Liquid Pool Cover Vs. Solar Blanket: What Are The Major Differences?

It’s currently the best time for a pool day in my neighborhood. We all love to splash and play in the sun, but it’s important to realize how much water can evaporate during these hot days of the year. Conserving water is a smart (and earth-friendly) way to avoid higher bills. Having a cover that helps keep water in your pool, therefore, is a must.

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Can I Add A Hot Tub To My Deck?

A deck is a fun escape and a way to add value to your backyard, especially if you add other luxuries. It is natural to picture yourself living a life of leisure in a hot tub on your deck. Countless homeowners have asked themselves the question; can I add a hot tub to my deck?

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Why Does My Pool Keep Turning Green?

A swimming pool is a luxury, and while it requires a lot of maintenance, it’s worth every penny. However, the sight of green water in your pool can thwart any plans that you have of swimming laps or leisurely floating. Many frustrated homeowners have asked themselves the question: why does my pool keep turning green?

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Semi Inground Pool Cost – [Installation & Maintenance Pricing]

Swimming pools are a commodity, and builder-owners realize that they add value to a home. One of the most popular options out there is semi-inground pools, and they highly sought after. With all of the appeal and popularity semi-inground pools boast, just how much do they cost?

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How Long Can My Hot Tub Sit Empty?

If you take the right precautions, you can leave a hot tub empty indefinitely. However, you must empty the tub, including the plumbing, or you may suffer consequences. For example, harmful bacteria may appear and thrive if water still sits in the plumbing and pump.

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Pool Salt Vs. Water Softener Salt: Which One Is Better?

When you first start reading up on all the bits and bobs surrounding pool maintenance, it becomes clear that salt is a thing. Like, big time. There are tons of different types of salt that are used in keeping our water’s conditions good to go. For example, most people don’t even realize that pool salt is different from the salt used to soften water. Check out the differences between the two…

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What To Do With Old Pool Filter Sand (Do This!)

The typical sand pool filter holds 250 pounds of sand or more at any given time. This can be a lot of materials to handle at once, which is why it’s important to know what you can do with it once it’s time to replace it.

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How To Hook Up A Pool Vacuum To An Intex Pump

Intex above ground pools is a cost-effective alternative to traditional in-ground pools. Intex above ground pools come in varying shapes and sizes to fit many different yard space and budget.

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How Long Can A Frog Live In A Pool? (Find Out Now!)

Frogs are not the first thing people think of when they are about to become a pool owner. However, they can prove to be a bit of a pest for people in certain parts of the country. When frogs see your pool, they’re going to want to hop in. Unfortunately, chlorine and pool water isn’t good for them. How long can they survive in it?

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