Chatbot (asl nomi - chatterbot)[1] — matn yoki ovozli harakatlar orqali inson suhbatiga taqlid qilish uchun moʻljallangan dasturiy taʼminot yoki veb-interfeys[2][3][4]. Zamonaviy chatbotlar odatda onlayn bo'lib, foydalanuvchi bilan uning ona tilida suhbatni davom ettiradigan va odamning suhbatlashayotgandagi xatti-harakatlariga taqlid qilishga qodir bo'lgan generativ sun'iy intellekt tizimlaridan foydalanadi. Bunday chatbotlar chuqur o'rganish va tabiiy tilni qayta ishlashdan foydalanadi, lekin oddiyroq chatbotlar o'nlab yillar davomida foydalanib kelinmoqda.
2022-yil oxiridan boshlab OpenAI’ning ChatGPT`si[5][6] mashhurlashib ketgani tufayli bu soha keng e’tiborni qozondi, so‘ngra Microsoft’ning Copilot’i va Google’ning Gemini’si kabi muqobillar paydo bo‘ldi[7]. Bunday misollar so'nggi paytlarda bunday mahsulotlarni GPT-4 yoki Gemini til modellari kabi keng asosli katta til modellariga asoslash amaliyotlarini ko'paytiradi. Ular aniq vazifalar yoki ilovalarni (ya'ni, odamlar suhbatini) simulyatsiya qilish maqsad qilib sozlanadi.
Chatbotlar uzoq vaqtdan beri turli xil virtual yordamchilar sifatida mijozlarga xizmat ko'rsatish va qo'llab-quvvatlash sohalarida foydalanib kelinmoqda[8]. Sanoatning keng doirasini qamrab olgan kompaniyalar bunday sohalarda ilg'or ishlanmalarni kuchaytirish uchun eng yangi generativ sun'iy intellekt texnologiyalaridan foydalanishni boshladilar[9].
1950-yilda aql mezoni sifatida hozir Turing testi deb ataladigan narsa taklif qilingan Alan Turingning "Hisoblash mashinalari va ong" nomli mashhur maqolasi[10] nashr etildi. Mezon kompyuter dasturining sudya bilan real vaqt rejimida yozma suhbatda odamga taqlid qilish qobiliyatiga bog'liq. Turing tomonidan taklif qilingan testning mashhurligi Joseph Weizenbaumning 1966-yilda nashr etilgan foydalanuvchilarni haqiqiy inson bilan suhbatlashayotganiga ishontirishga qodir bo'lgan ELIZA dasturiga katta qiziqish uyg'otdi. Ammo Weizenbaumning o'zi ELIZA chinakam aqlli ekanligini da'vo qilmadi:
Sun'iy intellektda mashinalar ajoyib tarzda o'zini tutishi uchun yaratilgan, ko'pincha hatto eng tajribali kuzatuvchini ham hayratda qoldirishi mumkin. Ammo ma'lum bir dasturning kodlari ochiqlangandan so'ng, uning ichki ishlash mexanizmi tushuntirilgach, uning sehri yo'q bo'lib ketadi; u oddiy protseduralar to'plamiga o'xshab qoladi. Kuzatuvchi o'ziga o'zi aytadi: "Men ham buni yoza olardim". Shu fikr bilan u ko‘rib chiqilayotgan dasturni “aqlli” deb hisoblamay qo'yadi. Ushbu maqolaning maqsadi dasturni "tushuntirish" uchun aynan shunday qayta baholashga sabab bo'lishdir[11].
ELIZA`ning asosiy ishlash usuli kirishdagi so'zlar yoki iboralarni tanib olish va suhbatni mazmunli ko'rinishda davom ettiradigan tegishli oldindan tayyorlangan yoki oldindan dasturlashtirilgan javoblarni (masalan, “ONA” soʻzini oʻz ichiga olgan har qanday matnga “OILAINGIZ HAQIDA KOʻPROQ AYTING” bilan javob berish orqali) chiqarishni o'z ichiga oladi[11].
Interfeys dizaynerlari odamlarning kompyuter bilan yozishmalarini haqiqiy suhbat deb ishonishga tayyorligidan, hatto u juda oddiy matnlarni moslashtirishga asoslangan bo'lsa ham, foydali maqsadlarda foydalanish mumkinligini tushunishdi. Aksariyat odamlar insonga o'xshash dasturlardan foydalanishni afzal ko'radilar va bu chatbot uslubidagi dasturlar foydalanuvchilardan ma'lumot olish uchundir. Shunday qilib, onlayn yordam tizimlari foydalanuvchilarga kerak bo'lgan yordam sohasini aniqlash uchun chatbot usullaridan maqsadli foydalanishi mumkin, bu esa rasmiy qidiruv yoki menyu tizimidan ko'ra "do'stona" interfeysni ta'minlashi mumkin.
ELIZA (1966) va PARRY (1972) eng mashhur birinchi chatbotlar sirasiga kiradi[12][13][14][15]. So'nggi mashhur dasturlarga A.L.I.C.E., Jabberwacky va D.U.D.E. Kiradi. ELIZA va PARRY faqat matn terilgan suhbatni simulyatsiya qilish uchun ishlatilgan bo'lsa-da, endi ko'plab chatbotlar o'yinlar va veb-qidiruv qobiliyatlari kabi boshqa funksional xususiyatlarni o'z ichiga oladi. 1984-yilda Racter chatboti tomonidan yozilgan "Politsiyachining soqoli yarim olingan" nomli kitob nashr etildi[16].
1978-yildan[17] 1983-yilgacha[18] Janet Kolodner boshchiligidagi CYRUS loyihasi Cyrus Vance (AQSh 57-Davlat kotibi)ga taqlid qiluvchi chatbotni yaratdi. Bot vaziyatga qarab fikrlashdan foydalangan va United Press International xabarlarini tahlil qilish orqali har kuni o'z ma'lumotlar bazasini yangilagan. 1980-yil aprel oyida Cyrus Vance kutilmaganda iste'foga chiqqanidan so'ng dastur yangiliklarni qayta ishlay olmadi va jamoa uning vorisi Edmund Maskieni taqlid qilgan boshqa chatbotni yaratdi[19][18].
Sun`iy intellekt tadqiqotining tegishli sohalaridan biri bu tabiiy tilni qayta ishlashdir. Odatda, zaif sun'iy intellekt sohalarida talab qilinadigan tor funksiyalar uchun maxsus yaratilgan maxsus dasturiy ta'minot yoki dasturlash tillari qo'llaniladi. Masalan, A.L.I.C.E. AIML[3] deb nomlangan belgilash tilidan foydalanadi, bu uning so'zlashuv agenti sifatidagi funksiyasiga xosdir va o'shandan beri Alicebots deb ataladigan boshqa turli ishlab chiquvchilar tomonidan qabul qilingan. Shunga qaramay, A.L.I.C.E. haligacha hech qanday fikrlash qobiliyatiga ega bo'lmagan ELIZA 1966-yilda qo'llagan uslub - belgilarni moslashtirish texnikasiga asoslangan. Bu kuchli sun'iy intellekt emas, bu aql va mantiqiy fikrlash qobiliyatini talab qiladi.
Jabberwacky statik ma'lumotlar bazasidan boshqariladigan emas, balki real vaqtda foydalanuvchi o'zaro ta'siriga asoslangan yangi javoblar va kontekstni o'rganadi. Ba'zi yangi chatbotlar, real vaqt rejimida o'rganishni o'sib boruvchi algoritmlar bilan birlashtiradi, bu ularning har bir suhbat asosida muloqot qilish qobiliyatini optimallashtiradi. Shunday bo'lsa-da, hozircha umumiy maqsadli suhbatdosh sun'iy intellekt mavjud emas va ba'zi dasturiy ta'minot ishlab chiquvchilari faqat ma'lumotlarni qidirishga e'tibor berishadi.
Chatbot musobaqalari Turing testiga yoki aniqroq maqsadlarga qaratilgan. Har yili ikkita tanlov - Loebner mukofoti va Chatterbox Challenge (ikkinchisi 2015-yildan beri oflayn, ammo materiallarni hali ham veb-arxivlardan topish mumkin) o'tkaziladi[20].
Chatbotlar til modeli sifatida sun'iy neyron tarmoqlardan foydalanishi mumkin. Misol uchun, transformator arxitekturasidan foydalanadigan generativ oldindan o'qitilgan transformatorlar (generative pre-trained transformer GPT) murakkab chatbotlarni yaratish uchun odatiy holga aylandi. O'z nomidagi "oldindan o'qitish" katta matnli korpusda boshlang'ich o'qitish jarayoniga ishora qiladi, bu model uchun cheklangan miqdordagi vazifaga oid ma'lumotlar bilan quyi oqimdagi vazifalarni yaxshi bajarish uchun mustahkam poydevor yaratadi. GPT chatbotiga misol ChatGPT[21]. Uning to'g'riligi va "gallyutsinatsiya"ga moyilligi, ya'ni ishonch bilan yolg'on ma'lumot chiqarish va hatto mavjud bo'lmagan manbalarga iqtibos keltirishi tanqid qilinishiga qaramay, ChatGPT o'zining batafsil javoblari va tarixiy bilimlari bilan e'tiborni tortdi. Yana bir misol, Microsoft tomonidan ishlab chiqilgan BioGPT, u biotibbiyot savollariga javob berishga qaratilgan[22][23]. 2023-yil noyabr oyida Amazon odamlarning ish joyida foydalanishi uchun "Q" deb nomlangan yangi chatbotni e'lon qildi[24].
DBpedia 2017-yilgi GSoC davomida Facebook Messenger orqali muloqot qilishi mumkin bo'lgan chatbot yaratdi[25][26][27].
Xabarlashuv ilovalari
Ko'pgina kompaniyalarning chatbotlari xabar almashish ilovalarida yoki oddiygina SMS orqali ishlaydi. Ular B2C mijozlarga xizmat ko'rsatish, sotish va marketing uchun ishlatiladi[28].
2016-yilda Facebook Messenger dasturchilarga chatbotlarni o‘z platformalarida joylashtirishga ruxsat berdi. Birinchi olti oyda Messenger uchun 30 000 ta bot yaratilgan bo‘lsa, 2017-yil sentyabriga kelib ularning soni 100 000 taga yetdi[29].
2017-yil sentabr oyidan buyon bu WhatsApp’dagi tajriba dasturining bir qismi sifatida ham mavjud. KLM va Aeromexico aviakompaniyalari sinovda ishtirok etishlarini e'lon qilishdi[30][31][32][33] ; ikkala aviakompaniya ham avvalroq Facebook Messenger platformasida mijozlarga xizmat ko'rsatishni ishga tushirgan edi
Ko'p banklar, sug'urta kompaniyalari, media kompaniyalari, elektron tijorat kompaniyalari, aviakompaniyalar, mehmonxona tarmoqlari, chakana sotuvchilar, sog'liqni saqlash provayderlari, davlat tashkilotlari va restoran tarmoqlari oddiy savollarga javob berish, mijozlarning faolligini oshirish[34], reklama qilish va ulardan buyurtma berishning qo'shimcha usullarini taklif qiladi[35]. Chatbotlar qisqa so'rov javoblarini to'plash uchun bozor tajribasida ham qo'llaniladi[36].
2017-yilgi tadqiqotlar shuni ko'rsatdiki, kompaniyalarning 4%i chatbotlardan foydalangan[37] 2016-yilgi tadqiqotlarga ko'ra, korxonalarning 80%i 2020-yilga kelib shunday biznesga ega bo'lishni niyat qilganliklarini aytishgan[38].
Kompaniyaning ichki platformalari
Boshqa kompaniyalar mijozlarni qo'llab-quvvatlash, Inson resurslari yoki hatto buyumlar interneti (IoT) loyihalarida qo'llayaptilar. Xabar qilinishicha,, birinchi navbatda, ta'tlini so'rashda oddiy, ammo ko'p vaqt talab qiladigan jarayonlarni avtomatlashtirish uchun Mila nomli chatbotni ishga tushirgan[39]. Lloyds Banking Group, Royal Bank of Scotland, Renault va Citroën kabi boshqa yirik kompaniyalar endi birinchi aloqa nuqtasini ta'minlash uchun odamlar bilan aloqa markazlari o'rniga avtomatlashtirilgan onlayn yordamchilardan foydalanmoqda[40]. Kasalxonalar va aviatsiya tashkilotlarida boʻlgani kabi yirik kompaniyalarda IT arxitektorlari tashkilotdagi bilim va tajribani yanada samaraliroq ochish va almashish hamda ekspert xizmat koʻrsatish stollari javoblaridagi xatolarni sezilarli darajada kamaytirish uchun foydalaniladigan aqlli chatbotlar uchun mos yozuvlar arxitekturasini loyihalashtirmoqda[41].
Customer service
Chatbots have great potential to serve as an alternate source for customer service.[42] Many high-tech banking organizations are looking to integrate automated AI-based solutions such as chatbots into their customer service in order to provide faster and cheaper assistance to their clients who are becoming increasingly comfortable with technology. In particular, chatbots can efficiently conduct a dialogue, usually replacing other communication tools such as email, phone, or SMS. In banking, their major application is related to quick customer service answering common requests, as well as transactional support.
Deep learning techniques can be incorporated into chatbot applications to allow them to map conversations between users and customer service agents, especially in social media.[43] Research has shown that methods incorporating deep learning can learn writing styles from a brand and transfer them to another, promoting the brand's image on social media platforms.[43] Chatbots can create new ways of brands and user interactions, which can help improve the brand's performance and allow users to gain "social, information, and economic benefits".[43]
Several studies report significant reduction in the cost of customer services, expected to lead to billions of dollars of economic savings in the next ten years.[44] In 2019, Gartner predicted that by 2021, 15% of all customer service interactions globally will be handled completely by AI.[45] A study by Juniper Research in 2019 estimates retail sales resulting from chatbot-based interactions will reach $112 billion by 2023.[46]
Since 2016, when Facebook allowed businesses to deliver automated customer support, e-commerce guidance, content, and interactive experiences through chatbots, a large variety of chatbots were developed for the Facebook Messenger platform.[47]
In 2016, Russia-based Tochka Bank launched the world's first Facebook bot for a range of financial services, including a possibility of making payments.[48]
In July 2016, Barclays Africa also launched a Facebook chatbot, making it the first bank to do so in Africa.[49]
The France's third-largest bank by total assets[50] Société Générale launched their chatbot called SoBot in March 2018. While 80% of users of the SoBot expressed their satisfaction after having tested it, Société Générale deputy director Bertrand Cozzarolo stated that it will never replace the expertise provided by a human advisor. [51]
The advantages of using chatbots for customer interactions in banking include cost reduction, financial advice, and 24/7 support.[52][53]
Chatbots are also appearing in the healthcare industry.[54][55] A study suggested that physicians in the United States believed that chatbots would be most beneficial for scheduling doctor appointments, locating health clinics, or providing medication information.[56]
The GPT chatbot ChatGPT is able to answer user queries related to health promotion and disease prevention such as screening and vaccination.[57] Whatsapp has teamed up with the World Health Organization (WHO) to make a chatbot service that answers users' questions on COVID-19.[58]
In 2020, The Indian Government launched a chatbot called MyGov Corona Helpdesk,[59] that worked through Whatsapp and helped people access information about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.[60][61]
Certain patient groups are still reluctant to use chatbots. A mixed-methods study showed that people are still hesitant to use chatbots for their healthcare due to poor understanding of the technological complexity, the lack of empathy, and concerns about cyber-security.[62] The analysis showed that while 6% had heard of a health chatbot and 3% had experience of using it, 67% perceived themselves as likely to use one within 12 months. The majority of participants would use a health chatbot for seeking general health information (78%), booking a medical appointment (78%), and looking for local health services (80%). However, a health chatbot was perceived as less suitable for seeking results of medical tests and seeking specialist advice such as sexual health.
The analysis of attitudinal variables showed that most participants reported their preference for discussing their health with doctors (73%) and having access to reliable and accurate health information (93%). While 80% were curious about new technologies that could improve their health, 66% reported only seeking a doctor when experiencing a health problem and 65% thought that a chatbot was a good idea. 30% reported dislike about talking to computers, 41% felt it would be strange to discuss health matters with a chatbot and about half were unsure if they could trust the advice given by a chatbot. Therefore, perceived trustworthiness, individual attitudes towards bots, and dislike for talking to computers are the main barriers to health chatbots.[57]
In New Zealand, the chatbot SAM – short for Semantic Analysis Machine[63] (made by Nick Gerritsen of Touchtech[64]) – has been developed. It is designed to share its political thoughts, for example on topics such as climate change, healthcare and education, etc. It talks to people through Facebook Messenger.[65][66][67][68]
In 2022, the chatbot "Leader Lars" or "Leder Lars" was nominated for The Synthetic Party to run in the Danish parliamentary election,[69] and was built by the artist collective Computer Lars.[70] Leader Lars differed from earlier virtual politicians by leading a political party and by not pretending to be an objective candidate.[71] This chatbot engaged in critical discussions on politics with users from around the world.[72]
In India, the state government has launched a chatbot for its Aaple Sarkar platform,[73] which provides conversational access to information regarding public services managed.[74][75]
Chatbots have been used at different levels of government departments, including local, national and regional contexts. Chatbots are used to provide services like citizenship and immigration, court administrations, financial aid, and migrants’ rights inquiries. For example, EMMA answers more than 500,000 inquiries monthly, regarding services on citizenship and immigration in the US.[76]
Chatbots have also been incorporated into devices not primarily meant for computing, such as toys.[77]
Hello Barbie is an Internet-connected version of the doll that uses a chatbot provided by the company ToyTalk,[78] which previously used the chatbot for a range of smartphone-based characters for children.[79] These characters' behaviors are constrained by a set of rules that in effect emulate a particular character and produce a storyline.[80]
The My Friend Cayla doll was marketed as a line of 18-inch (46 cm) dolls which uses speech recognition technology in conjunction with an Android or iOS mobile app to recognize the child's speech and have a conversation. Like the Hello Barbie doll, it attracted controversy due to vulnerabilities with the doll's Bluetooth stack and its use of data collected from the child's speech.
IBM's Watson computer has been used as the basis for chatbot-based educational toys for companies such as CogniToys,[77] intended to interact with children for educational purposes.[81]
Malicious use
Malicious chatbots are frequently used to fill chat rooms with spam and advertisements by mimicking human behavior and conversations or to entice people into revealing personal information, such as bank account numbers. They were commonly found on Yahoo! Messenger, Windows Live Messenger, AOL Instant Messenger and other instant messaging protocols. There has also been a published report of a chatbot used in a fake personal ad on a dating service's website.[82]
Tay, an AI chatbot designed to learn from previous interaction, caused major controversy due to it being targeted by internet trolls on Twitter. Soon after its launch, the bot was exploited, and with its "repeat after me" capability, it started releasing racist, sexist, and controversial responses to Twitter users.[83] This suggests that although the bot learned effectively from experience, adequate protection was not put in place to prevent misuse.[84]
If a text-sending algorithm can pass itself off as a human instead of a chatbot, its message would be more credible. Therefore, human-seeming chatbots with well-crafted online identities could start scattering fake news that seems plausible, for instance making false claims during an election. With enough chatbots, it might be even possible to achieve artificial social proof.[85][86]
Data security
Data security is one of the major concerns of chatbot technologies. Security threats and system vulnerabilities are weaknesses that are often exploited by malicious users. Storage of user data and past communication, that is highly valuable for training and development of chatbots, can also give rise to security threats.[87] Chatbots operating on third-party networks may be subject to various security issues if owners of the third-party applications have policies regarding user data that differ from those of the chatbot.[87] Security threats can be reduced or prevented by incorporating protective mechanisms. User authentication, chat End-to-end encryption, and self-destructing messages are some effective solutions to resist potential security threats.[87]
Limitations of chatbots
The creation and implementation of chatbots is still a developing area, heavily related to artificial intelligence and machine learning, so the provided solutions, while possessing obvious advantages, have some important limitations in terms of functionalities and use cases. However, this is changing over time.
The most common limitations are listed below:[88]
- As the input/output database is fixed and limited, chatbots can fail while dealing with an unsaved query.[53]
- A chatbot's efficiency highly depends on language processing and is limited because of irregularities, such as accents and mistakes.
- Chatbots are unable to deal with multiple questions at the same time and so conversation opportunities are limited.[88]
- Chatbots require a large amount of conversational data to train. Generative models, which are based on deep learning algorithms to generate new responses word by word based on user input, are usually trained on a large dataset of natural-language phrases.[3]
- Chatbots have difficulty managing non-linear conversations that must go back and forth on a topic with a user.[89]
- As it happens usually with technology-led changes in existing services, some consumers, more often than not from older generations, are uncomfortable with chatbots due to their limited understanding, making it obvious that their requests are being dealt with by machines.[88]
Chatbots and jobs
Chatbots are increasingly present in businesses and often are used to automate tasks that do not require skill-based talents. With customer service taking place via messaging apps as well as phone calls, there are growing numbers of use-cases where chatbot deployment gives organizations a clear return on investment. Call center workers may be particularly at risk from AI-driven chatbots.[90]
Chatbot jobs
Chatbot developers create, debug, and maintain applications that automate customer services or other communication processes. Their duties include reviewing and simplifying code when needed. They may also help companies implement bots in their operations.
A study by Forrester (June 2017) predicted that 25% of all jobs would be impacted by AI technologies by 2019.[91]
Prompt Engineering, the task of designing and refining prompts (inputs) leading to desired AI-generated responses has gained significant demand and popularity in recent years, with the advent of sophisticated models, notably OpenAI’s GPT series (which still contain notable flaws and limitations, as previously outlined).
See also
- Applications of artificial intelligence
- Autonomous agent
- Conversational user interface
- Dead Internet theory
- Dialogue system
- Eugene Goostman
- Friendly artificial intelligence
- Hybrid intelligent system
- Intelligent agent
- Internet bot
- List of chatbots
- Multi-agent system
- Natural language processing
- Social bot
- Software agent
- Software bot
- Stochastic parrot
- Twitterbot
- ↑ Mauldin, Michael (1994), „ChatterBots, TinyMuds, and the Turing Test: Entering the Loebner Prize Competition“, Proceedings of the Eleventh National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI Press, 13 December 2007da asl nusxadan arxivlandi, qaraldi: 5 March 2008
- ↑ „What is a chatbot?“. 2010-yil 2-noyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2017-yil 30-yanvar.
- ↑ 3,0 3,1 3,2 Caldarini, Guendalina; Jaf, Sardar; McGarry, Kenneth (2022). "A Literature Survey of Recent Advances in Chatbots". Information (MDPI) 13 (1): 41. doi:10.3390/info13010041.
- ↑ Adamopoulou, Eleni; Moussiades, Lefteris (2020). "Chatbots: History, technology, and applications". Machine Learning with Applications 2: 100006. doi:10.1016/j.mlwa.2020.100006.
- ↑ Hu, Krystal. „ChatGPT sets record for fastest-growing user base - analyst note“ (2023-yil 2-fevral).
- ↑ Hines, Kristi „History Of ChatGPT: A Timeline Of The Meteoric Rise Of Generative AI Chatbots“ (en). Search Engine Journal (2023-yil 4-iyun). Qaraldi: 2023-yil 17-noyabr.
- ↑ „ChatGPT vs. Bing vs. Google Bard: Which AI is the Most Helpful?“.
- ↑ „2017 Messenger Bot Landscape, a Public Spreadsheet Gathering 1000+ Messenger Bots“ (2017-yil 3-may). 2019-yil 2-fevralda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2019-yil 1-fevral.
- ↑ Manba xatosi: Invalid
tag; no text was provided for refs
- ↑ Turing, Alan (1950), „Computing Machinery and Intelligence“, Mind, 59 (236): 433–460, doi:10.1093/mind/lix.236.433
- ↑ 11,0 11,1 Weizenbaum, Joseph (January 1966), „ELIZA – A Computer Program For the Study of Natural Language Communication Between Man And Machine“, Communications of the ACM, 9 (1): 36–45, doi:10.1145/365153.365168, S2CID 1896290
- ↑ Güzeldere, Güven; Franchi, Stefano (24 July 1995), „Constructions of the Mind“, Stanford Humanities Review, SEHR, Stanford University, 4 (2), 11 July 2007da asl nusxadan arxivlandi, qaraldi: 5 March 2008
- ↑ Computer History Museum (2006), „Internet History – 1970's“, Exhibits, Computer History Museum, 21 February 2008da asl nusxadan arxivlandi, qaraldi: 5 March 2008
- ↑ Sondheim, Alan J (1997), <nettime> Important Documents from the Early Internet (1972),, 13 June 2008da asl nusxadan arxivlandi, qaraldi: 5 March 2008
- ↑ Network Working Group (1973), „RFC 439, PARRY Encounters the DOCTOR“, Internet Engineering Task Force, Internet Society, doi:10.17487/RFC0439, 20 February 2008da asl nusxadan arxivlandi, qaraldi: 5 March 2008 – Transcript of a session between Parry and Eliza. (This is not the dialogue from the ICCC, which took place 24–26 October 1972, whereas this session is from 18 September 1972.)
- ↑ The Policeman's Beard is Half Constructed (Wayback Machine saytida 4 February 2010 sanasida arxivlangan). 13 November 1999
- ↑ Kolodner, Janet L. Memory organization for natural language data-base inquiry. Advanced Research Projects Agency, 1978.
- ↑ 18,0 18,1 Kolodner, Janet L. (1 October 1983). "Maintaining organization in a dynamic long-term memory" (en). Cognitive Science 7 (4): 243–280. doi:10.1016/S0364-0213(83)80001-9. ISSN 0364-0213.
- ↑ Dennett, Daniel C. (2004), Teuscher, Christof (muh.), „Can Machines Think?“, Alan Turing: Life and Legacy of a Great Thinker (inglizcha), Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 295–316-bet, doi:10.1007/978-3-662-05642-4_12, ISBN 978-3-662-05642-4, qaraldi: 23 July 2023
- ↑ „Chat Robots Simiulate People“ (2015-yil 11-oktyabr).
- ↑ „What is ChatGPT? - MagicBuddy“. MagicBuddy (2023). Qaraldi: 2023-yil 1-avgust.
- ↑ Luo, RenqianExpression error: Unrecognized word "etal". (2022). "BioGPT: generative pre-trained transformer for biomedical text generation and mining". Brief Bioinform 23 (6). doi:10.1093/bib/bbac409. PMID 36156661.
- ↑ Bastian, Matthias. „BioGPT is a Microsoft language model trained for biomedical tasks“. The Decoder (2023-yil 29-yanvar). 2023-yil 7-fevralda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2023-yil 7-fevral.
- ↑ Novet, Jordan „Amazon announces Q, an AI chatbot for businesses“ (en). CNBC (2023-yil 28-noyabr). Qaraldi: 2023-yil 28-noyabr.
- ↑ „DBpedia Chatbot“. 2019-yil 8-sentyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2019-yil 9-sentyabr.
- ↑ „Meet the DBpedia Chatbot | DBpedia“. (2018-yil 22-avgust). 2019-yil 2-sentyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2019-yil 2-sentyabr.
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- ↑ Andoza:Triangulation
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- ↑ Grudin, Jonathan; Jacques, Richard (2019), „Chatbots, Humbots, and the Quest for Artificial General Intelligence“, Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems – CHI '19, ACM CHI 2020, 209–219-bet, doi:10.1145/3290605.3300439, ISBN 978-1-4503-5970-2, S2CID 140274744
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Further reading
- Gertner, Jon. (2023) "Wikipedia's Moment of Truth: Can the online encyclopedia help teach A.I. chatbots to get their facts right — without destroying itself in the process?" New York Times Magazine (18 July 2023) online
- Searle, John (1980), „Minds, Brains and Programs“, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 3 (3): 417–457, doi:10.1017/S0140525X00005756, S2CID 55303721
- Shevat, Amir. Designing bots: Creating conversational experiences, First, Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly Media, 2017. ISBN 978-1-4919-7482-7. OCLC 962125282.
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