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Check out our DCFsAutomated Discounted Cash Flow using only public historical+macro data, Prof. Damodaran's estimates and unbiased consensus forecasts.
Up-to-date and accurate financial data for over 45,000 stocks on 60 major exchanges globally with unlimited data export capability.
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We incorporate all publicly available and unbiased company data into our DCF. Therefore, our valuation is as close as it gets to the intrinsic value of a stock. Nonetheless, you have full visibility to the assumptions and can modify them based on your preference.
These prices are for Personal use only and have not included 10% taxes. Contact us for Enterprise pricing. If you are a student/educator, email us for 50% - 100% discounts.
Value investing is an investment paradigm that involves investing in stocks that are overlooked by the market and are being traded below their true worth. A stock's true worth is its intrinsic value, which is commonly calculated using a DCF valuation model.
At, we fully automate the process of obtaining the intrinsic value for all stocks globally, and offer investors institutional-quality resources that were once only available to Wall Street professionals: