Netflix has acquired rights to two-year-old Chinese animated film “Boonie Bears: The Big Top Secret.”
The deal was struck with Los Angeles-based Viva Pictures, which represented the rights on behalf of Chinese producer Fantawild.

At the Berlin Film Festival, Viva reported that Netflix also picked up accompanying TV series “Boonie Bears: Spring Into Action.”

Featuring two bears, Briar and Bramble, the Boonie Bears franchise is China’s best developed animation property and has existed in film and series versions since 2012, that played on CCTV and Beijing Television Network.

“The Big Top Secret” is the third feature and was released in January 2016. Last year, it was followed by “Entangled Worlds.” This year’s film “Boonie Bears: The Big Shrink” was released on the first day of Chinese New Year and has grossed $29 million in its first two days of release.

Fantawild is also one of China’s leading theme park operators.

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