Key Takeaway
There are 17 Smithing Templates in Minecraft. One (the Netherite Upgrade Smithing Template) is used to upgrade Diamond gear into Netherite. The other 16 are purely cosmetic and grant your armor fancy Armor Trims.
All Smithing Templates are found in the Chests of naturally generated structures, dropped by defeated Elder Guardians, or uncovered by dusting Suspicious Gravel with a Brush at Trail Ruins.
When used on a Smithing Table, each Smithing Template in Minecraft lets you improve the strength or look of your armor or tools. There are 17 different Smithing Templates. Most are for enhancing the appearance of your gear—however, to find them all, you’ll need to search far and wide.
Table Of Contents
Netherite Upgrade Smithing Template

The Netherite Upgrade Smithing Template is used for upgrading your Diamond tools into Netherite. Furthermore, it’s the only Smithing Template that provides a functional change to your equipment; the other 16 only cause cosmetic alterations.
To find a Netherite Upgrade Smithing Template, you’ll need to seek out a Bastion Remnant in the Nether. Bastion Remnants can spawn in any Nether biome except Basalt Deltas. You can locate a Bastion Remnant more easily by traveling diagonally away from the Nether Portal you used to enter the Nether. This is because structures in the Nether do not spawn within straight lines of your Nether Portal entrance.

Once you track down a Bastion Remnant, look for Chests. There are four different types of Chests in Bastion Remnants—here’s the odds of finding a Netherite Upgrade Smithing Template in each:
- Regular Chest: 10%
- Bridge Chest: 10%
- Hoglin Stable Chest: 10%
- Treasure Chest: 100%
Coast Armor Trim Smithing Template

Coast Armor Trim Smithing Templates are only found within the Chests of Shipwrecks. In the Treasure, Map, and Supply Chests of these marine structures, there’s a 16.7% chance of finding two such Smithing Templates. You’ll need to do a lot of swimming, boating, or flying to find this Smithing Template in Minecraft.
Dune Armor Trim Smithing Template

To find the Dune Armor Trim Smithing Template you’ll need to search the Chests of Desert Temples. There’s a 14.3% chance of finding two such Smithing Templates in any Chest within a Desert Temple. Beware the traps!
Eye Armor Trim Smithing Template

An Eye Armor Trim Smithing Template can solely be sought in a Stronghold. Within the bowels of a Stronghold, Altar Chests have a low 10% chance of containing a single Smithing Template of this nature. Conversely, Library Chests inside Strongholds have a 100% chance of yielding an Eye Armor Trim Smithing Template!
Rib Armor Trim Smithing Template

The sinister Rib Armor Trim Smithing Template is another Smithing Template that can only be found in the Nether. Specifically, Rib Armor Trim Smithing Templates are obtained from looting any Chest inside of Nether Fortresses. From this, you have a 6.7% chance of finding a lone Smithing Template. The method of discovering a Nether Fortress is the same as for Bastion Remnants: travel diagonally away from your Nether Portal once you enter the Nether.
Sentry Armor Trim Smithing Template

Get ready for a showdown with Pillagers if you want this Armor Trim in Minecraft! The Sentry Armor Trim Smithing Template must be plundered from Pillager Outposts. In the Chests of this structure type, you’ll always have a 25% chance to find two Smithing Templates of this variety.
Silence Armor Trim Smithing Template

You’ll want to be quiet are you’re searching for Silence Armor Trim Smithing Templates, as you may encounter a fearsome Warden during your travels. That’s because Silence Armor Trim Smithing Templates are only found in an Ancient City deep below ground level. By far the rarest Smithing Template in Minecraft, you have a minuscule 1.2% chance of finding one in a Chest within an Ancient City. Good luck locating this one—you’ll need it!
Snout Armor Trim Smithing Template

Like the Netherite Upgrade Smithing Template, the Snout Armor Trim Smithing Template can only be found in Bastion Remnants. However, its appearance in the Chests of such structures is lower. In regular Chests, bridge Chests, Hoglin stable Chests, and Treasure Chests, the odds of finding a Snout Armor Trim Smithing Template is 8.3%.
Spire Armor Trim Smithing Template

If you’re after Spire Armor Trim Smithing Templates, you’ll need to explore an End City. These locations only generate in The End, so start collecting Eyes of Ender! Next, you must find the Ender Portal in a Stronghold to reach The End. Then, once you enter an End City, you have a 6.7% chance to find one Spire Armor Trim Smithing Template in any Chest.
Tide Armor Trim Smithing Template

Unlike all other Armor Trim Smithing Templates, the only way to get Tide Armor Trim Smithing Templates is by slaying a mob—the deep-found and deadly Elder Guardians. Every time you kill an Elder Guardian, you have a small 20% chance to get one Tide Armor Trim Smithing Template—so don’t hold your breath!
However, three of these sea beasts spawn in each Ocean Monument. Ocean Monuments can be generated in the Deep Ocean, Deep Lukewarm Ocean, Deep Cold Ocean, and Deep Frozen Ocean biomes. With that said, prepare accordingly for such oceanic battles, as they are tough! Therefore, use Enchantments like Depth Strider to swim faster and Respiration to stay underwater longer without drowning. On top of that, another great seafaring Enchantment is Aqua Affinity, as it lets you mine faster underwater.
Vex Armor Trim Smithing Template

To find Vex Armor Trim Smithing Templates, you must track down a Woodland Mansion. However, to locate a Woodland Mansion, you must brave the shadowy depths of a Dark Forest biome. Each Chest within a Woodland Mansion has a 50% chance to give you one Vex Armor Trim Smithing Template.
Ward Armor Trim Smithing Template

As with the Silence Armor Trim Smithing Template, the Ward Armor Trim Smithing Template is only found in an Ancient City. Therefore, you’ll need to dig down very far! Any Chest in an Ancient City can hold one Ward Armor Trim Smithing Template—but at a tiny 5% chance. While not great, it’s still better than the 1.2% chance of uncovering a Silence Armor Trim Smithing Template.
Wild Armor Trim Smithing Template

Start swinging vine to vine if you’re searching for Wild Armor Trim Smithing Templates, they are solely located in Jungle Temples. Any Chest within a Jungle Temple can house a Wild Armor Trim Smithing Template at an encounter rate of 33.3%. Those are pretty good odds compared to many other Armor Trim Smithing Templates in Minecraft!
Trail Ruin Armor Trim Smithing Templates

Lastly, we have the four Armor Trim Smithing Templates that can only be acquired from Trail Ruins: Host, Raiser, Shaper, and Wayfinder. To be precise, you must dust Suspicious Gravel in and around Trail Ruins to find Host, Raiser, Shaper, and Wayfinder Armor Trim Smithing Templates. Doing so requires you to craft a Brush before venturing into heavily forested regions. What’s more, Trail Ruins only generate in the following biomes:
- Jungles
- Old Growth Birch Forests
- Old Growth Pine Taigas
- Old Growth Spruce Taigas
- Snowy Taigas
- Taigas
Each block of Suspicious Gravel about a Trail Ruin has an 8.3% chance of netting you one of each Armor Trim Smithing Template mentioned above.
That’s a lot of Armor Trims! With so many to choose from, you’re bound to find the perfect Smithing Template for your armor in Minecraft. However, they’re useless unless you get a Smithing Table. Afterward, you have free reign to make your wildest blacksmithing dreams come true!