Kirsten Webb
Created on August 3, 2023
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We have received annual reports from both the Housing Ombudsman and the Local Government Ombudsman within the last month relating to our performance in 2022/23.
LGO / HO Annual Letters
37 determinations made 98 orders made 50 Maladministration findings 81% Maladministration rate £25,807 compensation issued 41 recommendations 8 Complaint Failure Handling Orders
Housing Ombudsman 22/23
25 determinations made 41 orders made 9 Maladministration findings 54% Maladministration rate £7,832 compensation issued
Housing Ombudsman 21/22
31 upheld decisions made which equates to 79% of the complaints investigated. 96% complaint with Ombudsman recommendations. 10% of upheld cases had provided a satisfactory remedy before reaching the Ombudsman
LGO 22/23
29 upheld decisions which equates to 66% of the complaints investigated. 96% complaint with Ombudsman recommendations. 14% of upheld cases had provided a satisfactory remedy before reaching the Ombudsman.
LGO 21/22