"We welcome those who can sit calmly watching men in steel cages getting their adrenaline and heart rate up.For the most part they are the ones in shark cages chumming for shark response. However, women do enjoy diving with sharks in what we call "shark pits." Florida sees it's share of sharks and just last week we watched a 6 ft. tiger shark being pulled out of the ocean. Renters decided it was best to put him back in the water, although personally after seeing and being part of the shark frenzy world I prefer to leave sharks to wildlife officials if they so choose to put a non-endangered shark back in the ocean while youngsters play about in the same area so be it. Tourists don't realize how many sharks are out there, swimming right below you or right beside you. So be brave don't let a shark get you down and get that cardio work out by swimming. Seeing pollution in the Atlantic Ocean of late has bummed me out, seems no one will listen until we can no longer swim, surf or relax due to the massive amount of pollution found at the beaches. We were told whiting were dying in droves at Hanna Park and one kindly sole cleaned them up so the children could enjoy the beach with their family for the day - AWESOME!"
"For me SHARK WEEK brings shock from head to toe. We wish Discovery would invite some of the women who have their own shark attack stories to be told for the young ladies. For girls who need extra educational and enlightening stories about gender and how women and girls also escape sharks, and if allowed do some pretty great things. GIRLS need to to hear women speak out about their own shark stories if we expect the next generation of women to become more interactive with producers of this show and others but its probably best to have a connect their also. As always women bring different insights and life experiences to this table, invaluable insights. WOMEN FISH TOO!"
copyright SRD 2011
dedicated to HEART WALK SEPTEMBER 20,2014
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