©Vintage Fashion Guild
We provide the VFG resources at no cost to the vintage community, and we are pleased when people find them useful. However, all materials contained in this website (including text, images and the design of the site) are VFG’s copyrighted property unless otherwise noted. We authorize users to copy small portions of text (fewer than 75 words) for use on another site (such as eBay), provided that if they do so, they credit VFG in the following way: “Information courtesy of The Vintage Fashion Guild”, or “Information courtesy of Contributor’s Name/the Vintage Fashion Guild.”
To reproduce any images or to reproduce more substantial excerpts of text on the VFG website, you must first obtain our prior written consent.
You may use our contact page to request further permission
Vintage Fashion Guild™, VFG and The Vintage Fashion Guild Label Resource™ are our trademarks and may not be used in connection with any product or service not provided by us in any manner that is likely to cause consumer confusion or in any manner that disparages or discredits VFG. All other trademarks displayed on our website are the trademarks of their respective owners and constitute neither an endorsement nor a recommendation of those trademark owners. In addition, such use of trademarks is not intended to imply, directly or indirectly, that those trademark owners endorse or have any affiliation with VFG.
See also: Specific resource Terms of Use pages
Label Resource Fur Resource Fabric Resource
All text and images on this site are ©Vintage Fashion Guild. The information contained in this website may include opinions or views which, unless expressly stated otherwise, are not those of The Vintage Fashion Guild. *Liability: Whilst every effort has been taken to ensure that the information provided on this website is correct at the time of writing it is not possible to provide any guarantee of accuracy. The Vintage Fashion Guild does not accept responsibility or liability to any person for loss or damage suffered as a consequence of their placing reliance upon the information. You should make appropriate queries and satisfy yourself before placing any reliance upon or taking any action on such information. By so placing reliance or taking action you accept that you do so at your own risk.