The Royal Opera House

The Royal Opera House was first an idea of Louis XIV. The Sun King wanted to give his Palace a concert hall that could accommodate the luxurious decor needed to host shows with machines, which he was particularly fond of. Unfortunately, none of the designs presented by his architects really pleased Louis XIV.
It was his grandson Louis XV who let his architect develop his project to build a perfect theatre. The Royal Opera House is one of the greatest works by the architect Ange-Jacques Gabriel. Inspired by the finest Italian halls, it was the largest concert hall in Europe when it was inaugurated on 16 May 1770.
Nearly in ruins at the end of the Second World War, the Royal Opera House was thoroughly restored and formally inaugurated on 9 April 1957 in the presence of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Since 2009 the Royal Opera House has hosted a large number of operas, concerts, gala evening and ballets and each musical season is a great celebration of performing arts in Versailles.
You can check online for the available performances at the Royal Opera House for this year’s season.