Mark 45 Gun HD wallpapers

In compilation for wallpaper for Mark 45 Gun, we have 21 images.

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Mark 45 Gun, Military wallpapers

updated 11 month 17 day ago

Mark 45 Gun #1

 | 589 x 704px 15.35KB  | Specifications

Mark 45 Gun #2

 | 1000 x 732px 371.79KB  | Mark 45

Mark 45 Gun #3

 | 1359 x 765px 227.05KB  | mk-45 model mod. 2 4 5"/54 62 5-inch

Mark 45 Gun #4

 | 300 x 200px 101.29KB  | A 54 Caliber Mk-45 Five-inch Gun Fires A Projectile Off The Ship

Mark 45 Gun #5

 | 713 x 401px 155.72KB  | MK 45 Naval Gun

Mark 45 Gun #6

 | 765 x 503px 51.14KB  | MK 45 5-inch / 54-caliber (lightweight) gun. MK 45 5-inch / 62-caliber (MOD 4 ERGM) gun

Mark 45 Gun #7

 | 1280 x 720px 82.78KB  | 

Mark 45 Gun #8

 | 260 x 195px 13.95KB  | Mark 45 gun aboard Australian Anzac-class frigate HMAS Arunta

Mark 45 Gun #9

 | 800 x 531px 94KB  | These Guided Smart Shells Could Revolutionize The Navy's Dated Deck Guns

Mark 45 Gun #10

 | 395 x 313px 15.78KB  | 5"/62 (12.7 cm) Mark 45 Mod 4

Mark 45 Gun #11

 | 300 x 199px 23.03KB  | US Navy 070111-N-4515N-509 Guided missile destroyer USS Forest Sherman (

Mark 45 Gun #12

 | 1746 x 972px 438.77KB  | mk-45 5" 54-caliber naval gun uss gonzales ddg-66

Mark 45 Gun #13

 | 3200 x 1800px 3649KB  | 

Mark 45 Gun #14

 | 3872 x 2592px 1434.25KB  | File:Mark 45 - 5-inch-firing ID 081020-N-1635S

Mark 45 Gun #15

 | 1602 x 1074px 262.61KB  | mk-45 mod.2 5"/54 gun uss donald cook ddg-

Mark 45 Gun #16

 | 4281 x 2766px 2794.42KB  | File:US Navy 120124-N-OP638-043 Sailors clean the MK-

Mark 45 Gun #17

 | 1800 x 1065px 329.57KB  | mk-45 mod.2 5-inch 54-caliber naval gun uss san

Mark 45 Gun #18

 | 1872 x 954px 335.89KB  | mark 45 5-inches 62 caliber gun

Mark 45 Gun #19

 | 1300 x 956px 171.32KB  | Close-up of the Mark 45 5-inch gun turret of the foredeck of the US Navy destroyer USS Carney

Mark 45 Gun #20

 | 2464 x 1632px 2349.1KB  | File:MK 45 gun firing.jpg

Mark 45 Gun #21

 | 1400 x 1000px 460.34KB  | 5-inch/54 Mark 45 Mod 2 firing on board the Arleigh Burke-class destroyer USS Benfold in 1997

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