YOGYAKARTA - The use of skin bleach products is increasingly popular among people who long for bright and even skin. Although the benefits are attractive, not a few whose skin is damaged because it uses products that are not suitable or not appropriate. There are several ways to deal with damaged skin due to bleaching.

Keep in mind that not all skin bleach products can be safe to use. There are also products that contain harsh chemicals, such as mercury and hydroquinon. These ingredients can cause skin damage if used excessively and without supervision.

The use of underprivileged skin bleach products can cause several impacts, such as dryness, irritation, and hyperpigmentation. So how to deal with damaged skin due to bleaching?

Skin that is damaged due to the effects of using bleach that is not suitable or excessive can be handled in several ways. Here are some ways to deal with damaged skin due to bleaching that you can apply:

The first step in dealing with skin damage is to immediately stop using bleach products that are suspected of being the source of the problem.

Pay attention to irritation symptoms such as redness, burning sensation, or peeling skin. If these signs appear, stop using these products so that the skin condition does not get worse.

Damaged skin requires very gentle care. Choose facial or soap cleansing with a light and chemical-free formula.

Avoid the use of products that contain alcohol or fragrance. The content can exacerbate irritation. Instead, use natural cleaning such as aloe vera or oatmeal to help calm the skin.

Bleach often causes the skin to dry up and lose its natural moisture. To overcome this, use moisturizers that contain ingredients such as ceramide, hyaluronic acid, or glycerin.

Products with this content can help restore the skin protection layer. Choose hypoallergenic moisturizer and fragrance-free so that the risk of irritation can be minimized.

The skin that is damaged by bleach tends to be more sensitive to sun exposure. Therefore, the use of sunscreen is very important to protect the skin.

Choose sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30 and use it regularly every morning, including during cloudy weather. Make sure to choose products that are formulated specifically for sensitive skin so as not to worsen skin conditions.

If skin damage is serious enough, such as open wounds or striking color changes, it is advisable to consult a skin specialist.

Doctors can provide appropriate treatment advice, such as the use of special creams, light chemical peeling, or laser therapy to help improve skin condition.

Caring for the skin from within is as important as treatment from outside. Make sure to eat foods that contain a lot of antioxidants, such as fruits, green vegetables, nuts, and fish rich in healthy fats.

Antioxidants play a role in fighting the negative effects of free radicals that can exacerbate skin damage. In addition, keep the intake of fluids by drinking enough water so that the skin remains well hydrated.

After stopping using dangerous bleach, switch to a specially designed care product to restore the skin. Choose a product with ingredients such as niacinamide, vitamin C, or green tea extract.

Products that have this content can help improve skin texture and reduce hyperpigmentation. Make sure the selected product has been registered with BPOM so that its safety is guaranteed.

Exfoliation is very useful for removing dead skin cells. But in damaged skin, exfoliation that is too frequent can even worsen the situation.

It is better to use a gentle exfoliator and limit its use only once a week. Avoid using scrubs with coarse grains that have the potential to injure the skin.

Those are some ways to deal with damaged skin due to bleach that you can practice. By following the steps above and maintaining overall skin health, you can restore the skin to health and be maintained. Also read tips for choosing a face mask according to your skin type.

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