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Inou Battle wa Nichijou-kei no Naka de - 12 [END]

I have to say… this series was actually really good in a way that gets me hyped with every end of the episode. 


Although the show throws away its potential to be a ‘superpower’ focused show, it still manages to be interesting by focusing on the characters.



Although the characters follow a stereotype and doesn’t try to be too unique, their affection towards Andou also feels a lot more believeable due to Andou’s character and decisions that was shown as flashbacks

Hataraku Maou-sama! - Episode 11

As the show slowly reaches its end, the show finally begins talking about the situation in Ente Isla, the place where everything started. And although the episode had a bit of content, much of the plot has been pushed too far back. I am excited to see Maou’s reasons for the invasion and I hope that they can provide a logical conclusions to the story, since I believe that they could have added so much for yet another season.

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