Personnel monitoring using wanwave’s IoT trackers extends beyond basic location tracking to incorporate robust access control measures. By integrating access control features into wearable IoT devices, organizations can effectively manage entry and exit points, restrict access to sensitive areas, and monitor personnel movements in real-time.

Secure Access Management: wanwave’s IoT trackers act as digital keys, allowing authorized personnel to access designated areas while preventing unauthorized entry. Access permissions can be dynamically adjusted based on factors such as time of day, job role, and specific project requirements, ensuring precise control over who can enter restricted zones.
Real-Time Monitoring and Alerts: wanwave trackers continuously transmit location data and access events to a centralized monitoring system, enabling security teams to track personnel movements in real-time. Instant alerts can be triggered in response to unauthorized access attempts, enabling rapid intervention and resolution of security breaches.

Integration with Existing Systems: wanwave’s solution seamlessly integrates with existing access control systems, including card readers, electronic locks, and security cameras, ensuring compatibility with established security infrastructure. This interoperability streamlines deployment and management processes.
Mode of Operation
Enterprise premises are equipped with wanwave repeaters to ensure comprehensive coverage. Employees are provided with dual-use tags, serving both as access control cards and personnel trackers. These tags are tracked by the nearest repeater, determined by signal strength. Event logs are systematically generated, organized by employee, zone, and day of the week for efficient monitoring and analysis.

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