Baptism at WCC
A Public Declaration of Belonging to Jesus Christ
Baptism represents the forgiveness and cleansing from sin that comes through faith in Jesus Christ, and choosing to be baptized is a significant decision in every believer’s life.
When we trust Jesus Christ to take away our sins, no matter who we are or what we have done, we are invited to receive God’s gift of forgiveness and reconciliation.
Once our relationship with God is secure through Jesus Christ, baptism is the next step of publicly declaring that we belong to Him and plan to live our lives to please Him.
What to Know
Upcoming Events and Resources

Mar 18 | 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Adult Baptism Class (1 of 2)
Adults/Young Adults/Students

Mar 25 | 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Adult Baptism Class (2 of 2)
Adults/Young Adults/Students

Frequently Asked Questions
Why should I be baptized?
Baptism is an outward sign of your decision to receive forgiveness of sin through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
When can I get baptized?
If you have placed your faith in Jesus Christ and want to make that public, now is the time!
When are baptisms scheduled?
Baptisms occur twice each year, once in summer and again in winter. Occasionally we add baptisms based on interest. These significant events are streamed online so you can share with friends and family.
Can my newborn be baptized?
Baptism is for those who have personally decided to trust Jesus alone for salvation, once they have the maturity and ability to understand what that means. For newborns, we invite parents to participate in a dedication ceremony, presenting their child before God and the church, seeking grace and wisdom to raise their child to know and trust Jesus.
Can my family be baptized together?
Water baptism is a personal decision for each individual family member. If everyone in your family accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and wants to take the next step of faith in water baptism, we are delighted to baptize your family.
Can I be baptized at WCC if I don’t attend?
We recommend you be baptized at your home church, but if that is not an option we welcome anyone who would like to make a public profession of faith be baptized at WCC.
Does WCC believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit?
WCC believes in the baptism, sealing, and infilling of the Holy Spirit upon acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior according to Ephesians 1:13-14. Baptism of the Holy Spirit is a benefit of yielding to the work of the Holy Spirit after salvation.
Can I be baptized differently than immersion?
Baptize is a Greek word for immersion. Our common practice is to step into water and someone helps you recline back and dip underwater for a brief moment as pictured in Romans 6:4-6.
Of course, the reason we are baptized is more important than the method. Another option to outwardly signify your inward change is to simply pour water on the head of the individual to represent baptism.
What should I expect?
Once you sign up to be baptized, you’ll be asked to attend two classes that cover the basics about baptism.
Our baptism celebrations are held at WCC’s pool. When the baptism begins, one of the pastors enters the water and welcomes everyone. After a brief explanation of what is happening and why, they will invite those being baptized into the water and ask:
- Do you believe Jesus Christ died for your sins?
- Do you believe Jesus rose from the dead on the third day?
- Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior?
If you answer yes to the questions, the pastor will baptize you in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit by tipping you back to submerge in the water and quickly come up again. Those watching clap and shout, celebrating your public confession of being a follower of Christ.
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